Will my ethnicity help get me into college?

<p>Hey guys! So I was just wondering because I've heard a bunch of different things from these forums as well as from friends and family of mine concerning this issue, but will being Hispanic serve as a hook to get me into a college? If so, how does this hook work? Will it compensate for mediocre grades? Or will it give me a better chance than another hypothetical applicant with the same credentials and a more common ethnicity? Will affirmative action give me a a nice push? I have heard that there is an unofficial SAT curve for Hispanic students; is this fairly accurate? I go to a predominately white school and Hispanics occupy about 3% of the population; does this help? Sorry to bombard you all with questions but I would like to know if this facet makes a substantial difference when being considered for colleges.</p>

<p>It depends on the college. Look in section C7 of each college’s common data set, or its admissions tab on [CollegeData:</a> College Search, Financial Aid, College Application, College Scholarship, Student Loan, FAFSA Info, Common Application](<a href=“http://www.collegedata.com%5DCollegeData:”>http://www.collegedata.com) to see if ethnicity is considered in admissions.</p>

<p>If it is considered, you still do not really know how much effect it will have (and it will vary by college). It would be best to make your reach/match/safety assessments without considering any effect it may have (especially for your safeties).</p>

<p>Thanks that link was extremely helpful!</p>

<p>Please look at the Resources sticky thread, particularly the threads linked to in the section: Hispanic Applicants & College admissions. Also take a look at past Results threads linked to in the Resources thread.</p>

<p>As ucbalumnus states, the part being Hispanic plays varies greatly between schools and doesn’t alter the need to make a realistic list of admissions and financial safety/match/reach schools.</p>