Honors Alg II w/Trig
Honors Brit Lit
Honors Chem
AP European History
AP Art History
Theology II
Honors Latin III</p>
Honors Pre-Calc
Honors Physics
AP Stat
AP English Lang
Theology III
Honors Latin IV
Art Forum </p>
<p>Even though I'll have three APs next year, I feel like stat and lang are both not hard AP's. Will colleges think that my rigor decreased from soph to junior year?</p>
<p>I don’t think so. You are taking 1 more AP, a higher level of Latin, Physics is more advanced than Chem (at least I think so), Precalculus is more advanced than Algebra 2, and you’re taking a higher level of Theology. Plus you’re taking 8 courses instead of 7. I think you’re fine, don’t worry.</p>
<p>Wow, you definitely have a tough schedule there.
Yeah, I agree with spdwfe13.</p>
<p>That course load of yours though (especially if they’re courses that you like) will definitely prepare you for college. It’ll totally be worth it.</p>
<p>Why ask this lol. No it will not be easier by a long SHOT! Stat the Class is probably hard, but just self studying and taking the exam would be easier.</p>
<p>what is theology? Lol… I feel dumb… But anyway the classes are all pretty much harder, I mean you’re advancing a year in majority of the subjects, therefore, the classes will be a little more challanging.</p>
<p>well the name sounds cool never-the-less… my school only offers lame classes that like every other high school in america needs to offer, but nothing else. Boring. I would take this “pointless” class if my school was cool enough to offer it!</p>
<p>Haha… well… umm… how about history of knowledge? What is that class called… ugh, I can’t remember… anyway… I wish my school offered that class. Or went about AP Calc BC, or did AP chem, or… anything else that is worth taking! gah.</p>
<p>On another note… what does imo mean? hahaha… epic fail.</p>
<p>Mine, too. “World Religions.” I mean, religion is an academic topic; it’s something to learn about. “World Cultures” may be a better idea, but it may also have too large a scope.</p>
<p>A religions course is okay if its intention is to teach about the world’s religions, their practices and beliefs, etc. My public school offers a world’s religions course as well. I don’t know about the theology course.</p>
<p>Will colleges think your junior year was less rigorous than your sophomore year? Absolutely not, you have more APs, and all your classes are pretty much a step up anyway. Will your workload be lessened? Perhaps, but I don’t think so; some of those classes are still pretty tough.</p>
<p>I go to private-catholic all-girls school. Theology is mandatory which I hate because it takes up a period where in most schools I could take an elective. We have World Religions but it’s “World Religions from the Catholic Perspective” haha. Aka, learn what’s wrong with all the other religions in the world and why you need to definitely convert them.</p>