Had to be creative to fit my discussion title within the character limit, so excuse the teenage texting lingo there. I know the university I want to transfer to. It has a 27% acceptance rate, but I’m going for physics/engineering. So we shall see. I am concerned that the admissions board or whomever will google my name. It doesn’t look good. I’m trying to sue everybody involved in the situation as I am the victim. But then my name blows up all over again. Anyway to get Fox News, Dailymail, LA Times, NBC, OC Register, OC Weekly, New York Post each to remove all of their articles about me? If the admissions sees anything, will that hurt my chances even with a 3.9 GPA and perfect SAT score?
Maybe? Social media posts will definitely influence admissions decisions so I have to assume unflattering newspaper articles will as well. Perhaps you can explain your side of whatever happened in your applications.