Will no high school physics or 4th year language hurt my chances?

<p>Wesleyan is my top choice right now, but when I was looking at the wesleyan application info, the schools recommends I take bio, chem, and physics and four years of a language. Now I just got my course list back for my senior year schedule and I'm afraid of two things: </p>

<li><p>I have not taken physics.
like an idiot, I took AP Environmental Science last year because I was not allowed to take AP Physics without taking a non-AP Physics class before. As a naive sophomore picking courses I thought i had to load up on AP's and I picked APES thinking it was going to be a breeze and the easiest science AP. I'm taking Chem AP next year and I'm kindof locked into it (that's a long story too..) and my schedule is full of other classes I can't really drop at this point.. Will no physics hurt my application substantially?</p></li>
<li><p>I've only taken three years of spanish.
I'm an idiot for this one too. First two years of spanish were hell and I hated the teacher so I never enrolled for Spanish 3. Well this year that old bastard got fired and I signed up to take Spanish 3 my senior year. Will no fourth year hurt my application to Wes too?</p></li>

<p>I'm scared because Wesleyan is my top choice and now i've backed myself up into a corner. I've taken alot of other AP classes (I it will be 10 total) but I think I'm kindof screwed now but is there anythign I can do? Can I learn Spanish fluently on my own or something and use that to make up for the lack of the fourth year? Should I enroll in summer classes to get that year of physics in? Any advice will be extremely appreciated. thanks</p>

<p>it will definitely hurt your chances but that is not to say you will not get in. It seems like you will be a competitive applicant so good luck</p>

<p>I would recommend taking some kind of summer course in physics in order to at least show that you made that effort and have acknowledged your mistake. Would it also be possible to take some kind of advanced summer course in spanish so that you can cover spanish 3 and take spanish 4 senior year? that would probably solve that problem, though it may not be possible.</p>

<p>Short answer, this is will hurt you …</p>

<p>Not taking physics will not hurt you. I know plenty of people who were accepted without taking physics, by instead substituting a different AP science, such as Chem like you are doing. What are you looking to major in? If it’s a science, then it probably will, but otherwise, not. </p>

<p>As for Spanish, I would recommend taking it at your community college or a summer course or something.</p>

<p>I’m taking Physics over the summer at the local CC so I hopefully that settles that part!</p>

<p>As for spanish, my guidance counselar just told me to make it clear somewhere it never fit into my schedule in pursuit of a tougher course load or something like that and that I speak 2 other languages so it took a backseat and I should be fine… I guess i’ll just have to roll like that. </p>

<p>Thanks for the help though guys!</p>