Will not taking calculus hurt me?

I am a 10th grader in honors geometry and in 12th grade I will be taking honors pre cal. Will not taking cal hurt my chances into getting into a top college such as Columbia? Thanks

Are you looking at college or SEAS? I took Calculus BC as a junior last year so I dropped my this year, but honestly I feel like calculus is too much of an overkill since I’m applying to college. It also lowered my grades significantly. So my suggestion would be to keep doing what you enjoy the most, rather than something that would “look good”.

Yes. Top Colleges expect you to take the 5 core subjects all 4 years. They also expect you to take Calculus and Physics. If you are not on that path now, you could go to summer school to try to get on that path.

Well, it would only hurt you if you were applying as an Engineer or Physical Sciences type person

I plan on applying for buisness