Will not taking Physics (school only offers academic and AP) hurt my chance at a UC school?

I am planning to apply out-of-state. I have completed my state’s science requirement of earth environmental, bio, and chem honors. I want to bump up my GPA, and I fear taking an academic physics (school does not offers honors). I plan to take a MOOC course. Will it hurt my chance?

What is your intended major and what UC’s are you targeting? Are you a Junior? Is this for Senior year classes? What kind of MOOC course and when do you plan to take it?

I am a junior picking class for senior year. I’m targeting UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, USC. Intent to major in human center design-related, still considering arch. I plan to take MOOC course online through Edx.

Senior grades will not be included in the UC GPA, only 10-11th grades unless you take the MOOC course prior to Fall of Senior year. I would think if you are looking at possible Arch, then Physics would give you a good foundation for any structure classes along with General physics classes you would need as an Undergrad.

You probably know but just to clarify, USC is a private school and not a UC. Different requirements and different application.