<p>My ultimate goal is to get into U of Florida's vet school. I did not get admitted into UF's freshmen class. Though it is not stated, it seems as though UF's vet school takes preference in its own undergrads, so I'm considering transferring to UF after getting an AA. I know I have a better chance of successfully transferring if I go to Santa Fe Community College, but will vet schools look down on me? My other option is attending University of Central Florida, a pretty decent school. It would be harder to transfer from there though, with all the budget cuts and such, though definitely not impossible.</p>
<p>Not a vet yet, but I have worked with plenty of veterinarians before (wildlife, farm animal, and domestic).</p>
<p>Some veterinary schools do take the quality of your education (or school you attended) into consideration. Thankfully, that makes up less than 10% of your admission decision (won’t make much of a difference).</p>
<p>Also, I’ve met quite a few veterinarians that have taken courses at a community college/ started off at a community college. They felt like the courses were challenging enough and they were quite content with the choices that they made.</p>
<p>I’m currently attending a community college . I’m finishing my second year here and I’m looking to transfer to the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. My future job? Hopefully a wildlife veterinarian
. I saved $60,000 just by going to a community college, and I was able to score awesome internships at the Chicago Zoological Society by staying close to home.</p>
<p>As annoying as this sounds, I think that either decision will eventually work out. It’s not really where you go that ultimately decides whether or not you’ll become a veterinarian. It’s you . Show that you excel academically wherever you go, and let your extracurricular activities show that you are passionate about working with animals. Make the most of your decision, and things might just work out in your favor :)</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>