Will they believe I'm hispanic?

<p>So funny thought just crossed my mind.
My father is American with a very Irish last name.
But I have grown up in Miami and live with a Mother who immigrated from Cuba at 17 speaking not a lick of English.
So I definitely define myself as hispanic, but will admissions officers question my honesty when they see my Irish last name?</p>

<p>I don’t think so since you have to write your parents’ names somewhere on the application. either way they can’t just assume your not Hispanic because of your last name, since I’m sure your not the only person who has parents from different ethnicities</p>

<p>Yeah thats probably right.
Someone made a remark about my last name so it had me worried, but there probably is nothing to worry about.
Thank you :)</p>

<p>Your thread has been moved to the Hispanic students forum. If you go to the Definition sticky thread you will see who is considered Hispanic for college admissions purposes. Characteristics like last name and appearance have no relevance in whether or not you are Hispanic.</p>

<p>Also, please take a look at the Resources sticky thread, it has lots of information about scholarships, flyins for diversity weekends, etc.</p>

<p>Oh sorry, I didn’t realize there was a hispanic forum! But I’ll go look now thank you :)</p>

<p>^^We get kind of buried under the Specialty Topics heading. Glad you’re here now, hope you find it helpful!</p>