Will this EC make a difference?

<p>So, over the summer, I applied and was accepted into this "Youth Council" sponsored by my county's parks and rec. The council is made up of teens and they give advice on programs and legislation that affect the youth of the county. The first meeting is soon, but I am having second thoughts because of how hectic my schedule is this year, with a rigorous schedule/internship/standardized tests/college apps. Obviously the point of extracurriculars is not to impress colleges, but do you think I would be missing out on a good opportunity to stand out in the admissions process? Or is it just another cookie-cutter EC that I could do without? The time commitment is not that big, if that makes a difference.</p>

<p>It depends on how many EC’s you already have. If you don’t need this one, it makes sense to focus instead on college apps/tests/courses. I think many seniors underestimate the extra workload of the college applications and selection process.</p>