Will VT look at act sub-scores???

<p>So i took the act twice and the first time i got a composite of a 27- with a 32 in math, 29 in science, 22 reading, and a 26 in english.
the second time i got a composite of a 28- with a 28 in math, 27 in science, 28 in reading, and a 27 in english. I was disapointed on how my math and science went down so much. So i was wondering if they will look at the subscores for both test ( i sent in both) because i scored so much higher in math and science the first time which might help me even more for engineering. I believe i recall when i visited they said the would look at the subscores and take the best but iam not sure and am looking for any conformation.
Does any body know if they will look at both of them, or if the 32 in math will help me?</p>

<p>To my knowledge they don’t even look at the science score. On the application (4 years ago when I filled it out) it just asked for Math, English and maybe Writing. But yes, you can ‘mix and match’ your scores on your application, giving you a 32 in math and a 28/27 on English.</p>

<p>VT superscores the SAT or the ACT. Which means the adcom will only see your best composite scores.</p>