<p>Pretty trivial question, but I thought it'd be fun to know what people listen to (if you will) as they click on that fateful e-mail link or open that fateful mail. Will you listen to upbeat, optimistic music? Will you listen to dark music hoping that it might somehow mitigate the pain if its a rejection? Or will you just listen to your favorite song of all time - even though it has nothing to do with anything - because getting another listen to the best song ever is definitely more important than something like prep school decisions?</p>
<p>I guess my decision will be pretty spontaneous. In fact, I'll probably just access iTunes' shuffle 3 minutes before the email appears, and let fate decide what song it wants me to listen to. </p>
<p>But then again, if I'm listening to a great song and it turns out to be a rejection, my mind will probably forever associate said song with pain and regret. :O Decisions, decisions.</p>