Will you buy an electric or hybrid car next?

Data centers are big time energy hogs. Technology needs to figure out a way to power computers without using so many resources.

I probably use up more resources on the internet than driving.


But what about you? Still waiting for the list of things you do to help besides tell me that I’m not helping, which was not a helpful comment to be honest since you know only the things that I have chosen to share here.

Still waiting for your list.

Thank you! And we do too. Every week, in my neighborhood, I see garbage cans full on the street, but not too many composting bins are being put out there on the street. And EV’s are in the driveway. :man_facepalming:

The Ford F-150 Lightning MSRP starts around $42K.

The Chevy Bolt MSRP starts around $26.5K.

Yes, data centers use a ton of energy. When we were in Iceland we visited a data center powered by geothermal. Very cool stuff and some companies have located their data mining centers there.

I use very little energy on driving. The internet is another matter. We use a lot. AC barely a thing. But I’d never comment/make myself feel better based on someone else’s behavior patterns because they have different variables than I do.

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What else do you do? Where’s your whole list of things you do to save the planet while driving a polluting gas vehicle?

Keep waiting, the thread is already WAY off topic. You’re trying to make it personal and I’m trying to convey my observations in my locale.

The difference is, I don’t care what my neighbor does and you are watching yours. BTW, my neighbors are too far away to watch their compost bins. They don’t have bins. It’s a farm. lol. There should be a word for people who are concerned about what other people’s choices are.


I do not have AC in the house. If I did, it would probably be on only if the inside gets to temperatures higher than 85F. Or maybe pre-cooling earlier in the day (with cheaper electricity rates) so that the afternoon temperature increase can occur with the AC off (during peak electricity rates) while still ending with the inside temperature within a reasonable range. (Yes, I like to minimize utility bills.)


No AC here. Not bragging, just stating the fact. Our basement is always amazingly cool. Even during that evil heat wave. Our neighbors though all have ACs (I can hear their faint whrrrr sound at night). We just keep our windows open. We might add a minisplit depending on how much energy our solar system will be really producing, but we might not do that… just not a priority for us. We did add a giant ceiling fan in the MB.


I guess the issue is how often are you making these trips?

I do not think, at least I hope, that most are not making such long trips on a regular basis. We drove from NC, up to MN, over through SD, down to Arizona, to California, up to Seattle, on to Vancouver then to Calgary and then home to NC stopping back in MN and Kentucky. Something like 8500 miles in a month…all in a Prius )) Definitely would not have wanted to do that in an EV, but otherwise an EV would be great. At the time, I actually thought about renting a car for the trip which is what I would do if my only car was an EV,

No you brought it up. Not me. You replied directly to ME, a self-identified Chevy Bolt EV driver, with this.

That’s making it personal. Not me. I’m just trying to relay my experience as someone who has driven an EV for 7 years and therefore has more experience with EVs than most of the people on this thread who have never driven one. I don’t feel like I need to defend myself by listing my green credentials.

I disagree. Boast about that compost pile…and your garden. Be proud, you should be!!

Maybe others will realize it is not such a sacrifice and do the same…and then, we will all benefit!!

No one needs to do everything. Everyone needs to do something.


Not for nothing (as we say in Jersey), but my compost bin doesn’t ever go out to the street because it’s in my backyard turning into soil to use in my garden. So…you never know.


I certainly hope no one is flying on airplanes.


Personally for us, the BIG advantage of an EV is time saved (and hassle avoided) by not going to the pump weekly and by not having to make the bi-annual pilgrimage to the dealer for oil etc. changes. Less maintenance. Convenience. Less noise.


Since we get to brag…we compost, drive hybrids and try to watch energy consumption, also recently downsized. Also, I bought 200 acres and have planted hundreds of trees over the last few years. I hunt there and we eat mainly venison.

On the negative side, I drive to the land quite often and it is an hour away, I did buy a 35 mpg Subaru to replace my 18 mpg truck, so that helps…but not sure how much this offsets the travel we do regularly. IMO we should all try to do things and make small sacrifices to offset other areas where we are probably not doing as well as we could/should.




You’re right, that appeared to be personal, but I was attempting to speak to the general audience, the general “you” not you specifically. I missed quotations around the “you.”

That was my error. I was trying to relay my experiences of my surroundings here in the EV capital of the world.

However, I believe my point remains. Power grid usage is power grid usage, whether it be not composting, using grocery bags, buying boxes and bags of products, the obesity epidemic, HVAC usage, etc.

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