Which school should I go to for political science.I have aspirations to be a Trusts and Estates Attorney. Which school places into the top law schools HYSCUchicago. I want a school that has a good prof/student ratio and where I can get to know my professors. BTW, how is the name recognition for Amherst and Williams?
<p>My uncle went to Amherst and got into a joint MBA/JD program at UChicago. I think about 5 ppl every year go to Harvard Law from Amherst.</p>
<p>Well, I'm pretty sure getting accepted someplace first should be a factor</p>
<p>I would say Princeton, I believe they are very high ranked in poli sci</p>
<p>I do not know about the political science departments at any of these schools, but I pretty sure that all are wonderful. If you were to be accepted at all, this would probably be a situation in which you would just have to consider which college you think that you would be most happy attending.</p>
<p>You'll get into whatever law program you want if you do well enough at ANY of those schools. Amherst and Williams are very prestigious schools, and the grad schools know them well. You'll get the most interaction with professors at Amherst and WIlliams.</p>
<p>Anymore coments?</p>
<p>Don't worry about choosing among these schools until you know which ones will accept you. They're all extremely difficult to get into, and they all have great name recognition.</p>
<p>Among those who know anything, the name recognition of Amherst and Williams is quite high. I agree with the notion of worrying about which to choose once you're accepted.</p>
<blockquote> <blockquote> <p>Any more comments?</p> </blockquote> </blockquote>
<p>Yes, thanks for having a useful and informative thread title.</p>
<p>comments plz?</p>
<p>screw those schools, look at Hopkins! lol</p>
<p>Political Theory is the most intellectual branch of Political Science, and the top schools for it include Harvard, Princeton, Johns Hopkins and U Chicago. Did you know that Woodrow Wilson received his Ph.D. in Political Science after graduating from Princeton? JHU has once of the highest percentage of its graduates attending law school- (besides med school). If you study hard at Hopkins and do well on the LSAT you will have no problem getting into you grad school of choice. However, the same can be said for the other schools you mentioned.... good luck! In my opinion Amherst and Williams are too small and would be very boring. A top universitiy has more resources, more prestige, more opportunities...</p>