Williams Current Student Taking Questions...

<p>Oh yea, one more thing.
Is there club tennis, or group of students who've played varsity tennis in HS but can't quite make it to williams varsity tennis, that organize practice and play everyday?</p>

<p>Of course. There are students who play tennis all of the time... just not for the college.</p>

<p>The weight room is fine. It is better than Harvard's main student weight room (Malkin), but considerably worse than Penn State's.</p>


<p>The Columbia program: I have a few friends who are potential engineers, my roommate being one of them. When I ask him/them about the Columbia thing, most of them say that they wouldn't want to miss senior year here at williams. Also, I didn't know this at first, but someone told me that financial aid will carry over the first year at Columbia, but not the second. Once again, I'm not sure about the financial aspect of it, but it seems like most students will stay the four years and then go to grad school. However, the option is always there for those interested. For more information, here's a link to the pre-engineering website:
<a href="http://www.williams.edu/Physics/programs/eng.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.williams.edu/Physics/programs/eng.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>At the bottom of the page, there's some contact info.</p>

<p>I played HS tennis pretty extensively, and the courts just don't compare. Then again, my HS courts were also condemned my junior year, and had "water hazards."</p>

<p>Other stuff concerning sports: Williams makes it really easy to try new things through stuff like PE classes...I've learned how to play squash and paddle tennis this year, and enjoy them both immensely. What's also really cool is that Williams will rent out all sorts of equipment for you to use, including tennis rackets, squash equipment, basketballs... Also, we have a golf course that is heavily discounted for students. It's just nice how the College makes things really convenient for every student.</p>



<p>As far as I know, tutorials are offered in every department. They are much easier to get in to in the humanities as an underclassman for fairly obvious reasons. For a science like chemistry (to take a random non-humanities example) a tutorial would be pointless until you have a few semesters of intro material under your belt. The tutorial experience wouldn't be particularly advantageous for intro organic chem; you need to just learn that kind of stuff. As you get more advanced in the sciences and math, there are definitely tutorials available.</p>

<p>Humanities tutorials are more accessible to frosh and sophs because it requires a bit less background knowledge for, say, an Anthro tutorial than a Bio tutorial.</p>

<p>Is there an active sailing team/club at Williams?</p>


<p><a href="http://wso.williams.edu/orgs/sailing/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://wso.williams.edu/orgs/sailing/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>renja888: Thank you for your help.</p>

<p>Hmmm How nice is the campus? I mean I've seen pictures (most of the ones on the site are not that great) so I was just wondering does the Wiliams campus really look as great as it sounds. Also would any of you know how hard it is to double major at Williams? (The majors would prolly be like bio and poly science/art history) I'm willing to put in the work but if its nearly impossible then I guess I could just stick with one major. Thanks!</p>

<p>The campus is beautiful... the architecture is eclectic but the buildings manage to go with each other well despite this. The mountains are absolutely beautiful, and actually do look purple (we're in the purple valley) a surprisingly frequent number of times. </p>

<p>Double majoring is certainly possible--many people do it at Williams. Some kids triple major. Bio and Art History/polisci isn't the easiest combination to make (as there are no overlaps) but you'll be able to do it.</p>

<p>I think even the harshest critics of Williams would concede that the campus is completely gorgeous. Now, the construction on campus has stripped us of one nice view, but that doesn't change the overall look of the campus. I think anyone who visits during the Autumn falls in love with the place-- it's hard not to.</p>

<p>Double majoring, as Haon said, is possible and very popular. Especially if you have an idea of what you want to study when you come in, and can start right away. That said, you shouldn't limit yourself to the three things you think you're interested in right now. Let yourself take classes in things that weren't offerend in high school and explore a little bit before you tie yourself down. You'll be selling yourself short if you don't.</p>

<p>Any idea how hard it would be to do a Physics/Philosophy double-major AND complete the Pre-Med requirements? Does anyone know anybody who is doing the Pre-Med reqs and double-majoring? </p>

<p>Just wondering if I should persue what seems like would be a suicidal program...thanks!</p>

<p>armandoleon, I'm pre-med and an American Studies major, and possibly a poli sci major too. The good thing about AMST and PSCI is that they overlap a bit, so I won't have to two full sets of classes. </p>

<p>Some majors have more requirements than others. You could check out the departmental websites or the course catalogue to find out what the departments you're interested in require. It's easier to do two 9-course majors than two 12-course majors, obviously.</p>

<p>The thing about being pre-med is that you have to take four semesters of chem, two bio, two physics, and one or two math and you don't get major credit for any of it if you're not a science major. It's entirely doable, but a bit of a pain.</p>

<p>Philosophy is a 9-course major with only three required courses. Instead of planning out your specific curriculum now, you should wait until you get in college and see where your interests take you (they very well may take you to a philo/phys double major, but you may find a love for anthropology as well).</p>

<p>"Hello" - In all likelihood, I'll be on the women's tennis team next year. Now I'm a pretty agreeable person, as were all of the girls on the team that I met. I'll hit with you sometime. :) The point being that I'm sure you'll be able to find some people to hit with... there are a ton of courts as well.</p>


<p>where do you get the purple ice cream (had a brain freeze because I forgot where the ice cream shop is) thanx</p>

<p>by the way.. The Thai restaurant on Spring St. has the best Thai has the best Pad see ew I have ever had.</p>

<p>So MikeyD have you had the purple ice cream that Sybbie told me about?! News to me, but I want to try it.</p>

<p>PURPLE ICE CREAM?!?! Oh My, what is this world coming to. Also, if there is anything that you Ephmans would like to advise incoming students to do or warn about what would it be?</p>

<p>Just want to point out that we're usually (actually always, in my experience) referred to as "Ephs", not "Ephmen" up here. Not to nitpick, just thought I'd point it out.</p>

<p>"ephmen" is a cheap brand of rum, I believe.</p>