Wind Ensemble+Pre med+Emerging scholar=too much work?

<p>I have been planning to do an audition for Wind Ensemble at school, but my mother is seriously concerned(which I think she is sweating too much) that I won’t be able to handle Wind Ensemble, pre med studies and emerging scholar activity at the same time.</p>

<p>I think I can handle all these, but i would like to hear from someone who have participated in Emerging scholar and other extracurricular activities. Was it difficult to handle?</p>

<p>definite keep ES, because that will look good on your med school apps.</p>

<p>what exactly is required to participate in Wind Ensemble (number of practice hours, number of performance hours, any travel?)</p>

<p>Is it year-round? If not, which months?</p>

<p>What are you taking this fall semester?</p>

<p>The concert bands rehearse two days a week for a hour and a half each day. The ensembles are both Fall and Spring semesters. The ensembles perform 2-3 concerts per semester. Students are expected to be at all rehearsals as this is a class in which you are receiving a grade for your attendance and performance.
Classes? Organic chem, Calc III, latin history, Frosh English, Bio 1</p>

<p>My son handled far more than I expected of him his first semester. He does better when he is busy. How do you work?</p>

<p>For my son, if he has an open 5 hour period, he’ll play around for the first few hours thinking he has “plenty of time” to get things done. If he has a 2 hour period, he starts work immediately.</p>

<p>Also, my kid needed some non-academic time. Music is a huge outlet for him.</p>

<p>ES was not time consuming for him the first semester. It doesn’t pick up until you actually are working on a research project. First semester is simply a 1 credit class.</p>

<p>“Organic chem, Calc III, latin history, Frosh English, Bio 1”</p>

<p>Yikes…Orgo your fall frosh semester. My son did that and it was a risk, but he didnt have an ensemble commitment. </p>

<p>Are you planning on working that semester as well?</p>

<p>What score did you get on AP Chem and do you feel that you had a very strong prof?</p>

<p>Who is your Orgo prof?</p>

My schedule isn’t decided yet because i didn;t go orientation yet…I just wrote the classes I think I would take.
So… idk who my teacher will be sorry!</p>

<p>My teacher in high school was a sucky one(like many many science teacher in HS), but it didn’t matter;</p>

<p>Back in Korea, I studied chemistry for a national competition, so I already was competent in Chemistry even before taking AP Chem. I had 5 in Chem,(I was the first one among whole AP chem students who finished the test lol) and I have strong grasp in chemistry; also i took local chem olympiad and my score was far above the cut line for national chem olympiad.</p>

<p>And, I had no problem in organic chem part in AP test. I also did an independent project about OrgChem: perfume!
I know that Orgo in AP chem is a joke compared to college class but still…
I am starting ES on Spring semester, are you saying that 1st semester of ES will be just a 1credit class? Sounds like I may be able to be in Wind Ensemble. What did your son do in that class?</p>

<p>My son participated in ES three years ago, along with marching band and pledging a fraternity. He is an aerospace major. He also started in the spring as you will. The spring semester was no problem as he was in pep band and that time commitment is not the same as marching band. In the fall semester of his sophomore year he did his project. That along with his other activities kept him very busy. But in the end his grades were fantastic and like Longhaul’s son, he uses music as a stress buster.</p>

<p>Good luck Paul. You will probably be fine. Just keep organized.</p>

<p>Marco Bonizzoni, PhD</p>

<p>If Dr B is teaching your Orgo, go for it. He is super good.</p>

<p>He is from Italy, but his English is excellent. </p>

<p>@Paul2752 My son is an AeroEng major. He began ES Fall 2013. The first ES semester is 1 credit class with minimal out of class work. </p>

<p>2nd semester of ES is 2 credits. There is no “class” time - you work directly with your research mentor/research group. </p>

<p>For my kid, he spent MANY hours on his research because he had no prior programming experience. But, he knew this was going to be time consuming going into it and still choose to work on this project. The ES folks provided multiple leads for projects, so he could have chose a project in which he didn’t teach himself programming along with the actual research.</p>

<p>My son carried approx 16 credits each semester and spent 10-30 hours/week with the crew team. He made Dean’s List both semesters. He has a learning disability which presents as no concept of time or time management. Again, for him, staying busy helps focus his time management. Everyone is different.</p>

<p>My son had Calc III Spring semester with Trace (he did not have a Math Fall semester). Trace was great! If you can get into his section, I highly advise it. </p>

<p>Paul, what instrument are you hoping to play in WE? </p>

<p>Paul, as Longhaul said it is really dpendant on the individual student. DS started as a frosh ChemE Major; PreMed - ES and Marching band his first semester. Had 18 hours including Band and ES, ended up with no grade problem, but that was him. </p>

<p>As said, first semester of ES is not a heavy time committment. Second semester is dependant on the lab you end up joining. DS spent about 15 or so hours a week in his Bio lab, so in a way it just replaced the time he spent on Marching Band. (Marching Band first semester, lab second semester)</p>

<p>Another thing to consider is that WE will have concerts and dress rehearsals throughout the semester in the evening hours. These are at 7 or 7.30 pm, right when some labs or recitation sessions are also being held. </p>

<p>Oh Wow thanks everyone, I will consider doing WE along with ES. It seems like I will be able to manage my grades(as my mom defines it as ‘having 4.0 GPA’). I will try to persuade her because my mom is greatly concerned about me not getting straight As since my goal is to enter the Medical school in the US. Thanks for support, everyone :-)</p>

<p>@aeromom, if I am able to, I will play the clarinet. I was a clarinet player since 8th grade and was active in Wind Ensemble and All state Band.
Will I get a grade penalty if I don[t attend the rehearsal/concert because of ES?</p>

<p>Interesting to read how often music is a major stress reliever for our kids! This is most def the case for my son. </p>

<p>Yes, you can/will be penalised if you don’t pre-arrange your absences with both classes! The WE class is (usually) 1 credit hour - you can adjust this to be 0 credit hour if you wish, so it does not affect your GPA. Your choice. Sometimes my son received pre-approval to miss a rehearsal/concert/class, and sometimes he did not. I remember 1 professor he had who was particularly unbending about missing a class for his concert as a Freshman. He felt he was forced to choose class over music that time, and did so. In another instance, he chose music over a class, because he could drop a test score and didn’t absolutely have to take that test on that evening. It was a gamble on his part, but music is important to him. Good luck. </p>

<p>Paul, if I remember correctly, my son had a choice what time and day he could meet with a class. What I am trying to say is the first semester of ES only met once a week for an hour. So the students were given a choice of times/days so it was easy to fit into a schedule. For you this would be the spring semester and you will have a better idea just how the wind ensemble and college in general flows. The second semester of ES you are working individually with a prof. So depending on the nature of your research, the hours required will vary from student to student. Of course, this was three years ago when my son was a freshman. It might have changed by now.</p>

<p>As I mentioned my son is involved in marching and pep bands. They are one credit classes but the time commitment is tremendous. And like wind ensemble, practices are mandatory as are all the other occasions you are called on to represent the university.</p>

<p>I think they have sometime called a community band where you do not have to try out, everyone is welcome to play. The commitment isn’t as great. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>Thank you :-)</p>