<p>I'll be going to college in Fall 09. I'm not sure where yet, but I'm wondering how many colleges would offer upgrades to Win 7 to their students for free/discount. If I buy a laptop now, it will have vista. If I buy one after july 1, then it will have vista but also a free upgrade to win 7 when it comes out (offered by Microsoft, not colleges).</p>
<p>I’ve never heard of students getting a free/discount upgrade for a new OS. The only thing I’ve heard of is the free upgrade to Windows 7 for those who purchase Vista after July 1st.</p>
<p>Well most colleges would have a discounted rate on the OS…but I highly doubt many if any will give it away</p>
<p>Microsoft has a program called Microsoft Alliance which CS departments can become part of so that their students can install Microsoft OS and tools software for free (after a one-time fee of around $10). Worth looking into if you’re a CS or related major.</p>
<p>In the case of Georgia Tech, as long as you’re in a CS class, you’re a member of the MicroSoft Developer Network Academic Alliance, which is what BCEagle91 referred to.</p>
<p>I was able to legally download personal copies of Windows XP SP2, Windows XP x64, Windows Vista Business, and Windows Vista Business x64 (one each) for free.</p>
<p>there’s a lot of word online that says if you buy a pc preloaded with vista on it after july '09, and before some tbd date, then microsoft will give you a free copy of windows 7 once it’s out.</p>
<p>for instance: [Buy</a> A PC in July, Get Windows 7 Free ~ Revelations From An Unwashed Brain](<a href=“http://www.lockergnome.com/theoracle/2009/01/06/buy-a-pc-in-july-get-windows-7-free/]Buy”>http://www.lockergnome.com/theoracle/2009/01/06/buy-a-pc-in-july-get-windows-7-free/)</p>
<p>I have a 2 yr. old copy of Win.XP that was bought for an anticipated laptop I never purchased. I’ve never installed it. I’m finally getting around to purchasing a new laptop – maybe ;-)</p>
<p>Can I not simply wipeout the Vista operating system it comes with, and install my XP operating system? Typically you need to call MS to get an activation code. Will they even still give a code for former XP copies – even if never used?</p>
<p>I realize I would have to purchase Vista from scratch. OR… could I still purchase it at an upgrade price?
OR…do I give myself yet another excuse to delay a laptop purchase and wait until Win7 is out?</p>