Winter 2012 Transfer Notifications?

<p>The deadline page says that the admissions decision for winter transfers is "released" on December 1st (TODAY!). I've heard nothing. Bad sign?</p>

<p>I do know that they're offering spots to 10 something transfer applicants this time around (way better than last year--when only 3 were accepted). But as far as the amount of applications they received...</p>

<p>So has anyone heard any news?</p>

<p>Don't know if I can handle anothing night of no sleep!</p>

<p>Why don’t you call and check it with the admission office? They are the ones who actually know if the decisions have been mailed and why you have received nothing.</p>

<p>Called. :slight_smile: Mailed out a few acceptances via overnight yesterday, will send out a few more today, and maybe some more on Monday–so some applicants might not be receiving their acceptance until as late as Tuesday. Rejections will, as expected, arrive standard mail.</p>

<p>Good luck then! Hope you get in. I applied ED for fall. 12 days to go and I am really nervous and excited.</p>

<p>I am in! My package came yesterday afternoon–literally screamed down the stairs when I saw the Fed Ex truck. :slight_smile: Can’t believe I actually start classes next month. And good luck! The last week of waiting is the worst!</p>

<p>Congratuations cogitocoffee!</p>

<p>It must be a great relief to know you’re in! Hopefully I’ll hear some good news in 12 days and we can see each other next year! :D</p>

<p>Any tips to survive the brutal 12 day wait? haha</p>

<p>Oh man. Such a relief! I keep randomly breaking out in tears. So absurdly happy–don’t think I’ve ever worked so hard for anything before, don’t think I’ve ever wanted something so badly. My acceptance package was the best holiday gift I could ever receive.</p>

<p>As far as tips… Don’t do what I did: spend endless late night hours on the CC website obsessing and lusting. Hahaha. Umm… Take a lot of walks and fantasize about your future CC days! Drink wine. </p>

<p>Definitely let me know what happens!</p>

<p>I can imagine! I can totally relate to your feeling of hard work - I also feel like I have put everything into this application. I really hope I get the same results that you did!</p>

<p>I’ll try to avoid doing that (although I do find myself checking here a little too often!) Assuming I get my decision on the 15th I only have 11 more days! AHHH SO EXCITING! I hope I get the world’s greatest Christmas gift as well!</p>

<p>I’ll let you know what happens for sure! Hopefully we will see each other at CC next year! :D</p>

<p>Congrats cogitocoffee!! As a recent CC grad, I’d be more than willing to answer any questions you might have about CC. I can totally relate to the endless hours on the CC website obsessing and lusting lol!! I totally did that my senior year of high school! </p>

<p>Congrats again and good luck next month! You’ll have a blast :)</p>

<p>Thank you! Right now I’m just waiting for information. I haven’t received a CC email/ID yet, or registered for my FYE (do you know if transfers even have an FYE? keep hearing conflicting information…), or applied for housing (need the ID thing). Regardless, I’m so absurdly excited! I was actually on campus all of the blocks of this last summer as a visiting student–so it feels like I’m simply going home. :)</p>

<p>But yeah, totally embarrassed about the time I spent on the website. Have yet to break the habit actually… Has become a bit of an anxious tick… What did you major in?</p>

<p>Cogitocoffee, I hadn’t checked this thread. Congrats. Happy for you! :)</p>

<p>Transfers don’t take an FYE. I don’t really know why, but my guess is it is because you have already been in college for at least a year, and the purpose of the FYE is to acclimate freshmen to college level classes and the work load. </p>

<p>That’s great that you took summer classes at CC. It’s good that you know how the block plan works and already know your way around campus. That will be a huge help in terms of adjustment! Don’t worry, it’ll be easy to kick the website addiction once you get on campus and start school!! I was a biology major at CC :)</p>