Wisconsin madison vs GT

<p>Hello. I'm an international student who have admitted both GT and Madison and I can not pick either one. </p>

<p>Ummm.............my major is EE so it seems like GT is good choice for me since it has been ranked 4th in the nation. However, im worried about difficulties in GT. I have heard average year to graduate from GT is 5 years. Is it true? Also I have heard it is really hard to get above 3.0 gpa in GT.
Im not saying that Madison is easier school to get GPA than GT is, however since i got only 26 on ACT, I wonder that GT will be too hard for me.
In addition , there is a money issue and location. GT is about 38K and Madison is about 32K. (because of money, i gave up to go UCLA. 40~42K is maximum that my parents r able to support) ummmmm.....also currently, im living in U.S nearby madison, which means that I can come visit this host family when I need a refresh time on weekends. But if i go GT, I will not have this kind of advantages because it will be 15 hours driving.</p>

<p>Please help me...which one should i pick?</p>

<p>Ultimately only you can decide. Don't worry about the ACT, especially if your math/science scores are your highest. Both schools feel you can do the work or they would not have admitted you. I do not know Georgia Tech, you would have to post on their CC site for input on it. You are already considering the people aspect of life- consider the other factors. Madison is very liberal, cold winters... you already are familiar with this area. Do you want to experience another part of this country? I hope you have made the trips to see the campuses, you should have a comfortable feeling on the one you choose. You will have to work hard at both schools, so consider the rest of campus life. Make a list of the contrasting facets of each school, rank the items and choose the school that best fits you. You have information from each school's website and your own impressions, and utilize your host family's ideas. Good luck.</p>

<p>songsb, engineering programs in both GT and UW are very rigorous. If you are going to struggle in one place, you aren't going to have a easier life in the other. As far as undergrad engineering experience goes, you won't miss much as UW and GT will push and prep you well. PM me if you want to discuss specific EE subfield or you already know where to specialize. </p>

<p>I strongly believe UW edges over GT in term of providing a more "balanced" education, having many solid non-engineering options, e.g. business, social sciences etc. </p>

<p>Another consideration is that social/weather between Madison and Atlanta is miles apart. See other threads - UW vs. Emory etc. As wis75 suggests, definitely visit GT before you make your decision.</p>