
<p>Sounds wise to keep options open, good luck!</p>

<p>L&S Honors Program - Links:</p>

<p>[L&S</a> Honors Program](<a href=“http://www.honors.ls.wisc.edu/]L&S”>http://www.honors.ls.wisc.edu/)</p>

<p>[L&S</a> Honors Program](<a href=“http://www.honors.ls.wisc.edu/SiteContent.aspx?id=87]L&S”>http://www.honors.ls.wisc.edu/SiteContent.aspx?id=87)</p>

<p>[L&S</a> Honors Program](<a href=“http://honors.ls.wisc.edu/SiteContent.aspx?prev=87&id=269]L&S”>http://honors.ls.wisc.edu/SiteContent.aspx?prev=87&id=269)</p>


<p>Questions regarding first-year student admissions to the L&S Honors Program can be directed to the L&S Honors Program office by phone at (608) 262-2984 or by email at <a href=“mailto:honors@honors.ls.wisc.edu”>honors@honors.ls.wisc.edu</a>.</p>

<p>When you are choosing schools it might be helpful to think about the geographical implications of the different schools. When my son started applying for internships he sent them out all over the country. The only responses he got were from companies closer to his school that has some connection to the school. It might be a good idea to consider a school that has good industry connections. Also, now that my son has relocated he loves the area and will probably stay in the area of his school. And his school has a very active alumni and is very supportive of the school so they do a great job helping kids get jobs. I would recommend trips to each campus! Good luck!</p>

<p>He was very fortunate to get an internship at a software company that’s about 10 minutes from our house. He worked there last summer, through the school year, and this summer. They like him so he should be able to continue there through college if he wants to.</p>