withdrawal from previous college?

I’m transferring from school 1 to school 2. Do I need to give school 1 some kind of notice that I won’t be coming back or do I just never sign up for classes again?

I would let them know – it takes just a few minutes to write an email and it is common courtesy. Additionally, it will be clear that you are not deposited at two colleges at once.

You need to make certain that you have all of your old bills paid, and that you will not generate any new ones.

Contact the registrar and residential life to make sure you’re not registered for any classes and that you’ve canceled housing and your meal plan. If you don’t completely withdraw from the first college you’ll be billed for those expenses.

Send an email to the registrar and/or undergraduate admissions letting them know you will not be attending their institution anymore. That’s all you need to do.