withdrawing other applications

<p>i understand that the agreement when you do ED is that applicants with withdraw all other applications to colleges. however nobody has set any timeline on this. so...when do we have to do it by?</p>

<p>i'm just concerned that i'll withdraw my applications, penn will "rescind the offer of admission" because i have 3 low Bs, and i will be left going to community college next year. obviously this is worst case scenario, and i'd do anything to make sure i spend my next 4 years in penn. but i'm just saying, what if?</p>

<li><p>They’re not going to withdraw your admission because of Bs. You might have to explain yourself, though. “Senioritis” is an OK explanation, if you make the appropriate noises about doing better in the future.</p></li>
<li><p>I don’t know specifically about Penn, but I am aware of other situations where colleges may have wanted to withdraw an offer of admission but haven’t done that to an ED student precisely because he had no other options. A few years ago, a bunch of seniors at a prep school were caught with drugs on a class trip during spring vacation, right when acceptances were coming out. A couple of weeks later, the school decided that it had to inform the colleges. One LAC (with a well-deserved druggy reputation). yanked the admissions of three kids, two of whom had already put down deposits, but with a fourth who had been admitted ED it made him get counseling and start one semester late. (None of the other colleges that accepted the three other kids did anything. I don’t know whether the LAC knew that when it took its action.)</p></li>

<p>Anyway, the point is that the ED rules can work for you. But don’t make them work too hard! Colleges do have the right to yank ED acceptances for poor performance, and someday, somewhere, one of them has, or will.</p>

<p>wooow ok thanks for the info</p>

<p>just for clarification, on number 1 when you say “You might have to explain yourself”, does that mean i should call up Penn, unprompted, and just say “by the way, the MIdyear Report you are getting sucks because i was so concerned about applying to your college”?</p>

<p>No, I would wait for them to ask. I don’t think it will happen for three Bs.</p>

<p>k thanks</p>

<p>i just got the final grade, and it’s 2 Bs, both 89s (one in math one in bio)</p>

<p>thnk i’m safe?</p>

<p>I had the same after I got accepted RD. You’ll be fine, please don’t worry.</p>

<p>I was just wondering if a quarter grade is mid 90s but then the midterm grade is in the 70s. I’m just worried because I suck at AP Spanish and we are getting a real AP for the midterm. She said a 2 is in the 70s. I’d be happy with a 2 lol. Would that be a big deal?</p>

<p>i didn’t know that colleges got your actual midterm grades…
ahh. if so, i am s c r e w e d.</p>

<p>to the OP, not for 3 Bs. nope. 3 Ds, that’s a different story.</p>

<p>Um I thought that colleges don’t get midterm grades. don’t they only get semester grades with the marking periods and midterms already averaged out?</p>

<p>well we have quarter grades which count as 1/5 each so the 4 quarters make up 4/5 of our final grade. the midterm and final are each 1/10. on our midyear report card, it is broken down by quarters and midterms. that’s just how my school does it.</p>

<p>It’s my understanding that only the final averages count. In the case of the mid-year report, they use “semester grades” at my school, which consist of the first two quarters (40% each) and then the midterm (20%).</p>

<p>This is just a letter grade, so it’s not very descriptive. Is it different where you guys go to school?</p>