<p>I was reading this section on the college board site about ap grades and one section was about witholding certain ap grades.</p>
You may have one or more grades withheld from the report sent to the college you indicated on your answer sheet. To have a grade withheld from the indicated college, AP Services must receive your written, signed request by June 15 accompanied by a $10 fee per grade, per college. If your request is not received by June 15, the grade is automatically sent to the college indicated on your answer sheet.
<p>i was a little confused on the june 15 date. is it june 15 before you apply to college or june 15 the summer after junior year, etc. if somebody can just clarify this that would be nifty.</p>
<p>June 15 is the month after you take the AP. If you took it, felt you did badly, but wrote that the score should be sent to a school, writing to CB by June 15 will have it withheld. Because you haven't gotten your score by then, right?</p>
<p>yeah but people that take ap test durign their freshman and sophmore year like i did do not know at that time what school they will be applying to so at that time i did not put down any type of school.</p>
<p>Your quote applies to withholding scores when you're using the one free report that CB gives you. Regardless of when you took the exam, you need to notify CB that you want scores withheld from that score report by mid-June because they will mail out that report at the end of June/early July (which is before you will be able to see your scores)</p>