Witman /no $ and Lewis & Clark/$$ ??

<p>She got accepted to the both .
She is going to major in Math ,Physics or computer science and also plays musical instrument as well. She got award of Music scholarship of those colleges.
Her major concern is the Academic strength of Science dept @ L&C compare to the one of Whitman .
I heard Whitman is much better than L&C from one of my coworkers , but do not have any idea in detail. She got pretty good amount of grant from L&C , but not from Whitman .
Is there any one who can help her out on this matter ?
Thank you very much .</p>

<p>According to US News Whitman is ranked 36th while L&C is ranked 79th among LACs. However, I think L&C is under-ranked because of the prominence of Peer Assessment. PA is weighted at 25% of the US News ratings. L&C has been starting a slow climb up the ladder as it positions itself opposite Reed (which is ranked at 49 and should probably be higher - they do not provide any data to US News). L&C now requires a thesis or senior project from all students just as Reed does. It just takes a while for Peer Assessment ratings to be affected.</p>

<p>Whitman also requires the senior project or thesis of all students. It’s quite a commitment and a great experience. I think many of the Pacific Northwest schools are undervalued by the USNWR rankings. The academic strength of Whitman will be stronger, particularly in the sciences, but it’s not to say there aren’t really bright kids and great professors at L&C too.</p>