<p>I FiNAlly SUBMiTTED My APP!!!!!</p>
<p>GOod luck 2 everyone and my self</p>
<p>thank you for all the help!</p>
<p>I FiNAlly SUBMiTTED My APP!!!!!</p>
<p>GOod luck 2 everyone and my self</p>
<p>thank you for all the help!</p>
<p>Congrats!! Good luck! :)</p>
<p>Save the celebration til you get accepted, there are thousands more competitors who submitted theirs. Including me!</p>
<p>Fingers crossed</p>
<p>Where did you guys apply? Any LMU or pepperdine takers??!</p>
<p>I’m accepted at LMU, didn’t apply to Pepperdine - too religious for my liking!</p>
<p>You apply to LMU then Aguilera1?</p>
<p>It does feel good to get apps in.
The only problem is I feel helpless about it now. It worries me that the people applying from my school are amazing musicians (from what I understand) and have that behind them plus the whole ‘good student’ thing. Oh, well. Can’t really do anything about that.</p>
<p>Good luck to everyone!</p>
<p>And I wanted to apply to LMU just in case I decided really wanted to be around LA, but I only recently decided (over the break) so I don’t know if my counselor can fill everything out fast enough. Especially since it seems none of my documents went out yet.
(Why are all my posts like tiny essays?)</p>
<p>I applied to LMU but it would be doubtful I’d go there since I’m already in at UC Davis and like that school better…However, I applied to LMU as a safety in case–in the possibility that I only get into my safeties–I do want to go to LA/major in screenwriting/et cetera. But honestly, I think I’d go to Davis and then go to USC Screenwriting for grad school in that case.</p>
<p>Sent my application in a couple hours before the deadline
Not sure on chances, don’t think i’m in. 3.9uw 4.5w top 1% only 29 ACT 3 year high school grduate w/ decent EC’s.</p>
<p>oh well. applied to lmu. know im in there!!!</p>