Words in Direct Hits

<p>Hi there, i'm currently an international student living outside the country and i can't find a copy of the Direct Hits vocab anywhere and I cannot buy it online. I was wondering if anyone would have the courtesy to please send me a list of words found in these books, so I can just study them on my own. Thank you.</p>

<p>Try Quizlet. If you search up Direct Hits tons of people have put up lists of words, just know you won’t get the mnemonics in the book or the recently more updated list.</p>

<p>hey I tried quizlet but I couldn’t find it. could you by chance link me to it?</p>

<p>Huh. How strange. Someone just had a DH flashcard pack up on quizlet.com the other day, but he/she took it down/made it private…</p>

<p>what happened to all of the direct hits sets?</p>