So I recently got hired at a job that I thought would give me reasonable hours. I go to a community college and recently got hired as a cashier at hotel. However I suddenly realized there part time is 8 hours a day for 4-5 days. Being a college student full time 16 credits and also getting ready to transfer out within the next 9 months… I’m not sure working 32 hours is a good idea. I just did training and I can tell it’s going to mess up my school and that terrifies me. I’m not really sure what to do or if I’m being reasonable. I know I can bring my hw to the job but I get distracted quite quickly,need quite time to study, have essays, that I know won’t get done there. Also the hours are hell for my studying. What do you guys think I should do? I know my gut is telling me to quit but I can’t tell if that’s wrong of me.
Talk to your boss about the possibility of working fewer hours. If hours can’t be adjusted, then you may need to tell your boss that you very much underestimated how difficult it would be to work so many hours and go to school full time.
And if it can’t be adjusted, then quit. Find a job that is 20 hours a week or less. Ideally one that doesn’t mess with your sleep schedule, too.
Agree, if it is too much then I’d talk to your boss to see if you could work fewer hours there and if the answer is no then find a job that is a better match for your available time.