Work Experience

<p>I have been browsing around this forum a little bit recently and I have noticed that many people say it is best to get a few years of work experience and then go back for the MBA. My question is : Is this the most common thing people do? I would really like to go straight into the MBA program after I get my bachelors. I dont want to have to go back to school, I would prefer to get it all over with. Does work experience play a major factor in admissions?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for the help.
I am a senior in HS if that matters...</p>

<p>Yes, it’s probably the most important factor. Top MBA programs take very few without work experience, and those few have typically done something in business that makes them the exceptions.</p>

<p>While there are programs that take many straight out of college they are not the ones that usually enhance career options. And more importantly, you will not be nearly as attractive to employers coming out of a program with no prior experience.</p>