Work experience...

<p>That's why I haven't taken Calculus since Junior year of high school ;-)</p>

<p>If that's true, I must be one swirling black hole of a paradox.</p>

<p>Yeah, I agree with JLP. Somehow I manage both, and well. And I'm not dying. :)</p>

<p>The ultimate expression of love (from the girl who takes 75 units/term and has a course 16 boyfriend) is doing psets together. <3</p>

Being realistic though, it is very difficult to get in if you're not in the top 10% of your class. My EC told me that of those ranked, 42% were valedictorians and 90% were in the top 10%

The glass half full response ... that also means that 10% of the kids were not in the top 10% ... those 10% must have had a good story of why they were not in the top 10% ... and I would think working to help support your family and to pay for college might carry the day (especially when you took all the toughest courses and hopefully you'll do very well on the SATs and SAT IIs). Good luck!</p>

<p>meh, doing psets with the SO is nice, but i'd rather work with someone in my major. thus far, those two haven't coincided, though not for lack of trying :)</p>


<p>Yeah, I don't know how psyched I'd be to date someone in my major. There's way too much potential for competition... not to mention totally lame pillow talk.</p>

<p><em>snort</em> i dunno, i've charmed some people by geeking out in bed. and here's where i'm glad i'm not in an uber-competitive major. although i have heard people agree not to be junior lab partners with their SOs.</p>

<p>Ha. Geek talk sometimes can be hot. But sometimes, pillow talk needs to be, well, you know...pillow talk. :p</p>

<p>@3togo: My highest SAT scores are 750 math, 760 verbal, and 740 writing, along with 730 chem, 740 math, and 760 physics. I'm going to retake the subject tests with a graphing calculator this time, and hopefully I should be able to 800 out math and physics. I don't have enough time to take both the SAT I and the SAT IIs, but I figure an 800 on the SAT II would overshadow a 750 on the SAT I. :P. </p>

<p>And yeah, I will be auditing the Robotics class, and am a member of our UIL science team... basically where schools get together to compete in a triathlon of biology, physics, and chemistry, not to mention several other activities. </p>

<p>I just hope this passion and dedication flows into my essay.</p>

<p>Oh, and I don't have anything like research experience, even though I'd really like to. Frankly don't know where I'd go about getting it (or even balancing it with my schedule). Anyone have any ideas? It can be related to any natural science or computer science... I want to do something productive with my knowledge.</p>

<li>Timur S.</li>

<p>you can apply to like NIH or something but where I live (DC/northern va) there are some Naval bases offering internships</p>