<p>Exactly how hard is it to get a work study job at Emory? As soon as I had access to EagleOps at the beginning of this month, I started applying to several jobs. Then, after the Work Study Fair the other day, I applied to several more jobs (I'm not applying to these jobs randomly, lol... I'm applying to places offering certain types of jobs that I'm interested in). Although I've probably applied to like 20 jobs by now, only 3 have contacted me back... one asked me to come in for an interview but then e-mailed me back saying they didn't have a position open anymore, and another asked me when I'd be available for an interview but hasn't responded back after that. Some other students I talked to didn't seem to be having much luck, either. I was just wondering if all (or most) Work Study students who actively seek employment usually end up getting a job or if work study jobs at Emory are hard to come by.</p>