Work vs Student Orgs for better chance of acceptance at university

I am a community college student who is trying to transfer to San Luis Obispo Cal poly to earn a bachelors degree in computer science. I am pretty much an independent student as I don’t have anybody to support me and I count on financial aid and my job at a local store to cover my living expenses and save money for when I transfer to San Luis (living cost there are rather high). I know that the people who will look at my application would consider more than just my GPA (3.92) in order to decide whether to except me or not. They will also look at what am doing when am not in school (i.e. volunteer work, student orgs, paid work…etc.). But the problem with being an independent student is this crossroad that I have reached. Should I continue working in order to support myself and save more money for when I transfer to a university? Or Should I quite my job and join as many student orgs as I can and use some of my savings in order to cover my living expenses? Which would look better on my application? More than 40 hours of work a week, or seeing that am an active member at multiple student orgs? Any information is appreciated, thanks

Sent you a PM.

Also, are you following the articulation agreement (the courses CP wants you to take at your CC)?
That’s the most important thing on top of good grades.

Yes, I have been taking courses that articulate with those at SLOCP. Thank you for your response