Well, I say “home away from home,” but yeah.
Well I will be going as a day student, I am not ready for boarding at all
Then the cost of attending will be considerably less.
-10k or so, usually. It’s still a large amount.
Day students often stay at school through dinner because they have sports, then evening clubs or music groups. Day stud parents have reported to me that their kids rarely get home before 8 and are often doing homework late into the night. Week-ends, however, can give them a chance to regroup, sleep in a bit and get some home cooking.
Wow, theres not much difference between Day and Boarding then.
except much more money for BS
Still I prefer being day student
As long as you live close. Being a day student and dealing with a 45 minute ride home would not be fun…Thankfully, we are 10 minutes away. I have been told that day students eat all three meals on campus, often spending 12 to 14 hours there.
That raises the question if it is worthwhile then to look into option of moving to somewhere close to the school or send the kid to BS (where you are not sure of their time management - combining it from another thread on the forum)… I wonder if any parents on CC have moved closer to the BS in order to keep their kid as day student!!
There’s the helicopter parent thread GMT has in the parents section.
If your commute is more than 30 minutes each way, you may want to carefully consider whether boarding is best. Driving while exhausted is not a good idea.