
<p>I'm wondering how the wordload for business students is? In general how much do students study per day? </p>

<p>Is finance easier than economics in LAC or accounting in the B-school? </p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Do not choose your major based on the workload, easiness or time spent- these can all vary based on the number of credits, the course, your abilities and interest... Instead, focus on your goals. An Honors student might take a heavy load or think things are easy. With a least work attitude you may not even get into the business school after your prebusiness classes- it is competitive.</p>

<p>^ second that.</p>

<p>I'm half tempted to say that, generally, people who need to apply to the business school will put a little more effort into their studies, etc. just because it's a competitive process. However, many econ majors work their butts off... they're hard-working and love what they do. I think they will be more successful than the business student who only puts in the minimum amount of work.</p>

<p>I'm pretty set on majoring in finance. Does anyone know how the workload is in general? I'm a transfer student and I don't mind working hard, but I'm still a little curious. </p>

<p>I'm taking calc 2 right now, but I heard that business students are required to take calc 3, anyone have insight on this?</p>

<p>Repeat- depends on the person. Look at the website, see the courses you would take and decide how much work it would be for you.</p>