world's top 6000 universities

<p>This seems to have been published online without much fanfare like U.S news, Forbes, news week, Times of London, and the Chinese rankings. Strange rankings. Minnesota the 8th university in the world? And Oxbridge not in the top 20? Thoughts? Was this already discussed?</p>

<p>World</a> Universities' ranking on the Web: top 6000 World Ranking</p>

<p>The rankings aren’t about which school is the best. They’re about the universities’ web access or something.</p>

<p>ya idk about that ranking. Strangely absent are both Oxbridge, Tokyo U., Keoi, and Waseda.</p>

<p>These rankings seem highly dubious…
For example, McGill is ranked lower than university of Calgary, Montreal, and Alberta.
Iowa State U in the top 50? Texas A&M at 16? It just doesn’t seem right. They all have their methods of calculation though. Something in their calculation must favor these schools somehow.</p>

<p>Yeah, the rankings are about the U’s internet connection and research tools.</p>

<p>The Top 6000 Website is actually the most accurate this year for University World Rankings… I know it seems strange right? They pool all a colleges resources together not just internet status, such as grades, campus size, admission’s, expense and so forth. US News Review bases on the College Rankings in the US by their stats, popularity and most importantly their “Peer Assessment”, if you aren’t sure what that is you get check their website: or get the book. It basically means how people in the US view these colleges, and how they believe would be your chances of getting in. One person mentioned that a top university as Cambridge is ranked 20th on the site, true that may seem strange but Cambridge is ranked first in the UK and if you took out all the other (US) Universities in the top 6000 website, Cambridge is ranked first.</p>

<p>Clemson better be on that list ;)</p>

<p>I mean 6000 is A LOT of schools</p>

<p>minor correction Cambridge isn’t ranked 20th, thats University of Chicago, but Cambridge is still ranked first in the UK.</p>

<p>Yeah Clemson is ranked 250th in the world this year. Nice.
They actually have rankings over 6000 as well but the top 6000 are the major one’s.</p>

<p>lulz U of Arizona ranked higher than YALE??? U of A is joke (comparatively of course)!!!</p>