<p>up to my junior i only received 2 Bs in 9th grade and my cumulative gpa was 4.47. straight A’s in 10, 11th grades.
however, this semester i think im going to get 2 Bs in 2 ap classes and then my gpa for this semester will be 4.5.</p>
<p>will this risk my chance?</p>
<p>p.s. i received 4.67 in all semesters for 10 and 11th grade. and this year im taking 5 ap classes.</p>
<p>whats a "B" when your convert it to the numerical scale? like an 85?</p>
<p>2 Bs are nothing to worry about, especially in notable harder AP courses. As long as you don't get Cs you'll be fine.</p>
<p>I got a B and a C last year, for AP Chem and Calc, respectively--and Amherst accepted me anyway. I'd also taken 5 APs senior year. I'm sure Amherst will understand how intense a 5-AP courseload is when extracurriculars are added. I wouldn't sweat it.</p>