worried about being accepted

This is my first time posting here and I was wondering if I could get some advice. I have been a community college student since 2004 due to changing my major a couple of times. I finally decided last summer what to major in...which is art.I made the dean's list for spring and fall semester, however my grades are not perfect.I got mostly A's and B's, especially in my art and humanity classes.The problem is that I have 2 c's and I have got 2 F's. I also have one incomplete. The rest of my grades are A's and b's. I have been told I am a good writer and have also been told that I will probably be able to write an excellent personal statement to save myself. What are the odds of me getting into a good university. My confidence totally went down the drain when I received an F and I am doubting if I will be able to get in a good school. I have already kissed all the UCLA's and USC type of schools good bye. I live in L.A. so that is my main reference.Any advice on what schools I can probably get accepted in would be deeply appreciated!

<p>It depends upon which Art schools you're applying to danaelaine. For some, it's mostly dependent on your portfolio -- not your scholarship pedigree. But also know that your classmates might only be anime-obsessed kids whom people have told them their whole lives that they're "great artists". </p>

<p>My brother is an illustration instructor at a moderately well-known art school in our city. He's amazed at the level of unsophistication of many of the first years. Given that you've got some college experience under your belt, you're a few steps ahead. Just get some good advice (from your current CC instructors) on how to best prepare your portfolio. They'd be great sources of info about what BFA programs would be a good fit for you too. Don't be shy. Your agressiveness with them will yield big dividends -- they'll really enjoy helping someone who wants to study their trade at a higher level.</p>

<p>Good luck to you</p>