<p>I am an OOS student, but I live very close to U-M. It stinks because I live closer than a lot of in-state students, but I have to pay nearly triple the tuition costs. I really would love to go to U-M. But my parents are divorced, and neither of my parents can contribute anything to the college costs (my mother JUST secured a job at minimum wage and I know almost nothing about my father right now, so he won't pay anything) and they haven't saved a penny for me for college. I've applied for jobs but haven't heard from any of the places, so I can't contribute anything to college, unfortunately (if I could, I undoubtedly would). So right now I'm very low-income in these hard economic times. </p>
<p>I know I qualify for need-based aid (not good enough for merit-based), but would U-M really cover my cost of attendance? :-/</p>
<p>Would I be able to attend U-M without getting a loan? I really want to avoid debt. <em>sigh</em>
I'm very discouraged. I would love the to attend since I've been accepted, but I am still shocked at how expensive it is...reality hit and I'm really starting to doubt I could go. :-(</p>
<p>Always have hope and expect the unexpected! Have you considered other colleges that are in your state? I am also an OOS and so far I have been trying to focus on school and my other college applications. Do you know when we find out about scholarships?</p>
<p>I have, and I applied to a university five minutes away, but it’s not nearly as good as U-M (tier 4 kind of school). But I know I can get in there on a full ride.
The problem is my options are limited since my mom wants me to commute (our family’s situation is tough so I can’t leave them). So it’s between U-M and that other university.</p>
<p>I think we find out about financial aid later in the year, not really sure.</p>
<p>Honestly, go to a state school. It’s not worth the debt.</p>
<p>did you apply for CSS profile yet? is it too late to apply CSS now? i mean if i apply now, will i get just a bit of need-based aid at the end?</p>
<p>I am going to ASAP. I don’t think it’s too late. Is it? Anyone know?</p>
<p>liberate, are you a student at U-M? Some say it’s worth it, some say it isn’t. But a state school does seem more feasible right now…</p>
<p>I’m a student paying OOS tuition. Sure, it’s a top university, but it’s an undergraduate degree. Do you plan on going to grad school? If so, save your money!</p>
<p>i dont plan on going to grad school, because my major is actuarial science, which doesnt need a master degree as long as i pass those actuarial exams</p>