<p>Do I have a chance at transferring?
I got to a small LAC in USA.
Im a sophomore right now, looking to transfer out of this place I don't like.
Do you think Ill get into these schools: Amherst College, Cornell University, Wellesley College, Smith College. </p>
<p>Some stats:
Race: white
Gender: female</p>
<p>Major: Communication
College GPA: 3.5
College Extracurriculars: On major academic scholarship at school. Held internships, wrote for school newspaper.
Probably with good recommendations. Have a good relationship with my school dean and advisor.
Work: School student dining hall manager. </p>
<p>High School GPA: Went to pretty good public school --- 87
Took 7 APs.
SATs: 1320/2010
No ranking at school. School had a lot of smart kids though.
High school extracurriculars: newspaper editor, language tutor, held internship.
AP Scholar with distinction.
Problem: I did really badly in my senior year , just mainly in my Calc class where I got a C- . I just didnt care cuz of senioritis. But I dont want to be a math or science major.</p>
<p>what school do you go to now? you have a 3.5 in college and what, a 3.1 in hs?</p>
<p>just my opinion…</p>
<p>for the schools you are applying to your college gpa is going to be a bit below what most applicants that get accepted are, your hs gpa is below average, your sat’s might be slightly below average, and your ec’s seem lacking and do not demonstrate a high level of commitment to any activity or leadership…for those schools, sans perhaps smith, you are probably going to be an underwhelming applicant…if you want to transfer out of where youre at now you may need to lower your expectations a bit</p>
<p>Thanks for the response. So do you have any recommendations about where to apply??
And everyone else please let me know what your opinion is --if you think I have a chance or not and elaborate. Thanks !!!</p>
<p>If you plan to continue in communications, you need to start by finding places that offer that program, and where it looks like at least some of your credits from your current college will fulfill requirements for graduation.</p>
<p>As to Cornell, are you looking at Arts & Sciences, or at one of the SUNY colleges there? I think the communications program may actually be in the Ag and Life Sciences college. Transfer admissions to the SUNY colleges is a whole different ball game than transfer to Arts & Sciences, especially if you are a NY state resident.</p>
<p>To Happymomof1, would it be easier for me to get into a Cornell school that also belongs to the SUNY system?
I’d like to apply to whatever school at Cornell is easier for me to get into then. </p>
<p>Everyone else please read and respond to my original thread question thanks!!</p>
<p>the cornell school thats easiest to get in is the agricultural school or the one of hotel administration. however I can guarentee you will not get accepted because you clearly aren’t applying there because you want to major in agriculture or hotel administration, you just want to get in. at least I can assume so much because you want to apply to the school thats easiest to get in. they’ll be able to see through your application, and as it is your stats aren’t good enough anyway.</p>
<p>Research on the ILR school to see if they have anything to do with communications. I agree with mfd3q, however, because you sound like someone who wants to go to Cornell for the name…but you can change that attitude.</p>
<p>There are 3 Undergrad Contract colleges - HumanEc, ILR, and CALS. Not Hotel/Architecture/Engineering/CAS. </p>
<p>The Communications Major is in CALS. You’re coming off kind of lazy, considering you didn’t even take 40 seconds to go to Cornell’s website and check which school had your major. You’re making it sound like you’ll apply to any Cornell school for the heck of getting in - that’s not gonna work. </p>
<p>The contract colleges are supposedly accepting fewer NY state applicants this yr, because of budget cuts, and NYers pay a little more than half the tuition. So getting in as a NY state resident is NOT easy. People refer to them as the “SUNY” colleges, but their tuition is 4 times the SUNY schools - contract colleges or not, they are part of a private-Ivy league school - don’t think for a minute it’ll be easier to get in, esp with your stats. </p>
<p>To be blunt, 3.1 from HS and 3.5 is going to hold you back. I did well in HS, and my College GPA will be around a 3.9, and I’m worried about getting in. You’re EC’s/SAT are nothing special. I sympathize with you, as I have the same problem - what I’m going to do is wait another semester to apply, so they’ll focus on HS less. It might be a good idea for you to consider, if Cornell is your goal. </p>
<p>Cornell is all about fit. Someone said Hotel Administration is the easiest - Engineering actually has the highest acceptance rate. It doesn’t matter how smart you are, how high your GPA/SAT is, you won’t get into Hotel unless you can show a passion for it, through your EC’s/Essays/Work experience. Anyway if you’re set on CALS, it might be a good idea to get your GPA up before you apply. Waiting a little longer might help. Good luck!</p>
<p>you should try not to be so obsessed with the prestige of the school that you attend that you are willing to pretend to be interested in agriculture or hotel management when youre clearly not…quite frankly, you are not ivy league material at this point and are not going to be competitive for most of the schools that you listed above</p>