<p>I really don't think I have enough extracurricular activities.....this is what I put on my applicaton.</p>
<p>Activity@@@Years@@@Hours/week@@@Involvement@@@Achievements@@@Will I continue?</p>
<p>Math team@@@3 years@@@1-3 hours@@@Captain 2 yrs@@@5th in state in 6th grade,@@@Would like to
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@6th in state in 7th grade@@@</p>
<p>Indoor soccer@@@4 years@@@1.5 hours@@@Organized team@@@----@@@no</p>
<p>Outdoor soccer@@@8 years@@@4 hours@@@Travel team@@@----@@@yes</p>
<p>Reading@@@9 years@@@5(outside school) hours@@@----@@@----@@@yes</p>
<p>Snow skiing@@@8 years@@@5-10 days/year@@@----@@@----@@@yes</p>
<p>Sudoku/Numbrix@@@3 years@@@2 hours@@@----@@@----@@@yes</p>
<p>Jigsaw puzzles@@@3 years@@@0-30 hours@@@----@@@----@@@yes</p>
<p>----@@@----@@@ ----@@@ ---- @@@ ---- @@@ ----</p>
<p>So basically I have 3 solid extracurrics (2 soccer, math team), 1 leadership position, 1 achievement, 4 recreational extracurrics (1 being unique).</p>
<p>Scale 1-10: 5 ------> not gonna cut it.</p>
<p>Am I right or not? I'm still hopeful though...</p>
<p>Errgh the spacing is annoying.</p>