Worst Fear Realized...Son is Struggling

<p>FYI, daughter has informed me that although Get On Board Day has been rescheduled the ABXY Game Club is planning to still hold a game night tomorrow in the Ferg TV lounge from 7pm-10pm. Great opportunity to meet others, especially if your student plays games, any type…video, tabletop, etc. </p>

<p>Feel free to PM me if you want more info.</p>

<p>Yes, I remember during move-in that events were posted on the large bulletin board in the lobby. The WOW Events were listed and there was an upcoming schedule as well. </p>

<p>There is also a Calendar of Events on the student’s Mybama home page. Currently there is an Art Exhibit but as the semester progress there will be concerts, lectures, plays, athletic events and musical recitals listed. Most events are free to students.</p>

<p>ABXY Game Club is planning to still hold a game night tomorrow in the Ferg TV lounge from 7pm-10pm</p>

<p>This is a very good thing to attend. Don’t worry about showing up alone…totally fine!</p>

<p>Also, the Honors College Assembly will also likely be soon starting their weekly (?) social activiting …like “open mic nite”, etc.</p>

<p>Several of you have mentioned the rescheduling of Get On Board Day, where are you finding that info?</p>

<p>I’ve looked at wow.ua.edu, looked at the events calendar on ua.edu, looked at my son’s MyBama page (including recent emails), looked at the link to the student organization site, looked at the Crimson White’s site, searched Facebook and found a couple organizations that have mentioned attending, but none of those places indicate a date change. </p>

<p>I know that Isaac is supposed to be bringing a couple inches of rain to the area on Thursday and there is the potential for some weak tornado activity, so I can understand if it is rescheduled, but all the site’s I’ve looked at including the events calendar on UAs website still have it listed for tomorrow and the only place I’ve seen the Sept 11th date mentioned is this thread.</p>

<p>Where’s the info coming from?</p>

<p>^^ I was wondering the same thing, jrcsmom.</p>

<p>From the Source UA Facebook page:


<p>The Source is the group that is organizing get on board day. Although their UA page, [The</a> Source | Where Do You Fit In?](<a href=“http://thesource.ua.edu/]The”>http://thesource.ua.edu/), isn’t showing the change.</p>



<p>So true!!! Daughter went last year by herself with her DS. She sat on a couch playing her game, didn’t know a soul, it didn’t take long for others to introduce themselves. She is now good friends with many and very active in the club!</p>

<p>I sent them a FB message as someone has obviously accessed their FB page recently and recommended ensuring that the UA events calendar is updated and that an email be sent to students informing them of a change.</p>

<p>My mind is just playing images of 1000 students going out in the rain expecting GOBD to be taking place because no one let them know about a change.</p>

<p>No need to apologize to me, I was equally offended by the comment from the poster (or is that poser?). The only “stars” I am aware of are the ones that “Fall on Alabama”… (and those of you familiar with Fairhope and Mobile’s own will know who I mean)</p>

<p>I don’t think I will ever be able to express just how much it means to me to be a part of the UA community, and my experiences here are a perfect mirror reflection of the warmth shown to us in person at almost every turn. The least we can do is try to take care of our own! If that means circling the wagons here and there, I am game.</p>

<p>My guess is that the ■■■■■ is a hater that either bleeds blue and orange, or purple and gold…</p>

<p>And on occasion, I’m certain, black and blue. :)</p>

<p>Here is the link to the page that lists the new date for “Get On Board Day” scroll down to bottom of page:
[The</a> University of Alabama](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>http://www.ua.edu/)</p>

<p>My son had an awful time his first semester as well–at a different college. We told him he was not allowed home until October, so he’d have to try to fit in. The first semester is usually a bad one for freshman. The second semester picks up, and by year 2 you’ll rarely see them. </p>

<p>I will say, Bama has a very well deserved reputation as a MAJOR party school. Kids in our area grow up hearing party and Frat stories from their parents and are stoked to get there and begin. We see a high percentage of them drop out and come home for their second semester and often their second year. That said, it stands to reason that by his sophomore year, many of the heavy partiers will be long gone–especially in the engineering department. Very few heavy partiers make it through engineering. </p>

<p>If he’s struggling after his first year at Bama. Perhaps then consider transferring to a smaller school. Samford, Rhodes, Birmingham-Southern, and Sewanee are all in the area and are all outstanding small schools with excellent reputations. If he wants a more serious engineering school, then Missouri Science and Tech or GA Tech. If he wants to try another large school–Mississippi State has an outstanding reputation among engineers and has a very good reputation as a caring place.</p>

<p>I think I’ll defer to aeromom, giterdone. I haven’t recovered from the misunderstanding of using the eliptical clause with the understood “am” following I with an independent and dependent clause while using the nominative case. So from now on, I’ll do as I told rolltide 90 and ignore your insults and let your comments and grammar speak for you. Is that correct, aeromom? This is way too much pressure for a girl from Alabama…or maybe it’s because I’ve been away from Alabama for too long. Oh well, it’s nice to know there are others here who also struggle with grammar from time to time. :)</p>

I have not read the thread…
Do NOT rescue him… it takes a good bit of time to find your bearings in school
He needs to be equally comfortable alone and in a group
He will find his way
Find classes and the career path that suits him
Learn to do laundry, learn to solve problems like schedule issues, roommate issues etc himself.</p>

<p>Give him room–
tell him you are confident he can handle this, handle the changes, handle making choices for himself…</p>

<p>Don’t “rescue him” from growing up.</p>

<p>Have a glass of wine. I promise this too will pass.</p>


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<p>giterdone: Jealousy is a green-eyed monster.</p>

<p>Dance at the Ferg this friday night!</p>

<p>Please be our guest… at our 3rd annual Tailgate Swing Dance, Friday August 31st at the UA Ferguson Center Ballroom. Wear your “Game Day Attire.” </p>

<p>The dance starts at 7pm and ends at 9:45pm. The cost is $5 for students. </p>

<p>There is a dance lesson from 6pm until 7pm and that is free. The teachers are great and they have quite a following. This is the Crimson Tide Ballroom Dancers group. Don’t let that intimidate you. My daughter didn’t know how to dance before and now she loves the swing-style of dance. </p>

<p>Hope all y’all come to the dance. My D will be there.</p>

<p>[Crimson</a> Tide Ballroom Dancers - Tuscaloosa’s Crimson Tide Ballroom Dancers (CTBD)](<a href=“http://www.ctbd.org%5DCrimson”>http://www.ctbd.org)</p>

<p>Cuttlefish, D would love to come to the dance and get a lesson but will be in Dallas with the MDB. Will they be having more events later in the semester?</p>

<p>My DD’s freshman roomie is in this organization and photo. I hear it’s a great group and a lot of fun.</p>

<p>You can’t expect him to make friends the first week. I’m in high school, and it took me a year to make friends. The people that are the heavy partiers will most likely flunk out after the first semester/quarter anyways. What your son should do is to go out and join clubs. He can probably meet people that way. I know that i’m in high school, and probably not the most qualified person to be commenting, but those are my suggestions.</p>

<p>Missread: The Crimson Tide Ballroom dancers club will have dances with lessons throughout the year. Congrats on your D playing in the MDB. That’s quite an honor.
Here’s a link that lists the twice a month dance lessons. They are free.[Ballroom</a> Dances/Lessons in Tuscaloosa, AL and Northport, AL - Crimson Tide Ballroom Dancers](<a href=“http://www.ctbd.org/2012-events.html]Ballroom”>http://www.ctbd.org/2012-events.html)</p>

<p>Here is a link showing the tentative dance schedule. Looks to be mostly Friday nights and twice a month. I hope some of the dates will work for your D. [Tuscaloosa</a> Crimson Tide Ballroom Dancers - Upcoming Events - Crimson Tide Ballroom Dancers](<a href=“http://www.ctbd.org/upcoming-events.html]Tuscaloosa”>http://www.ctbd.org/upcoming-events.html)</p>

<p>Catfan: My D loves this dance group. She loves to get dressed up and go dancing.</p>