Worst sports injury you've seen

<p>Recently saw a kid take a lacrosse ball to the chest. Heart stopped(commodio cordis) Had full bore CPR on the field by parents from the stands. Fortunately, a AED defibrillator was brought on the field , he was shocked a couple times and came around. Spent a couple nights in the hospital but was able to go to prom the next weekend. </p>

<p>We encourage any teams with high impact projectiles such as baseball, lacrosse, hockey to have defibrillators on the field. I think I read that since 1998 something like 130 athletes have died from this. Here's alink to a PDF:</p>

<p><a href="http://www.nata.org/statements/official/ASTFstmt.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.nata.org/statements/official/ASTFstmt.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>bdmrad- A local lacrosse player died like that in my area when I was in middle school.</p>

<p>A few years ago in field hockey a girl took a ball to the face and broke her ocular bone. Lots of blood, really scary, and they were afraid she might go blind (fortunately she didn't.) Earlier that season I took a shot to the face (I'm a goalie but I wasn't in cage, I was next to it without my helmet on) and later another girl had her nose broken after another ball popped up.</p>

<p>A girl nearly broke her neck during spirit week's "homeroom Olympics", but luckily it was just a concussion.</p>

<p>For official sports-on my friend's softball team one of the players, when sliding, slid into another player and gave them some cuts and a concussion.</p>

<p>I have 3:</p>

<p>This kid broke his back during a HS football game and he was spazzing out while they were trying to get him onto the stretcher.</p>

<p>My best friend's leg broke in 3 places during a soccer practice.</p>

<p>An entire piece of my brother's knee ripped off during a game of football with his friends.</p>

<p>ESPN</a> - High school runner breaks leg in meet, crawls to finish anyway - High School Sports</p>

<p>This has to be one of the ugliest sport injuries in kickboxing history:
YouTube</a> - LEG BREAKS IN HALF</p>

<p>I fractured both wrist, dislocated 3 fingers, and didn't stop wrestling till I fractured a spinal process.... and I've seen kids in the lax team that got hit in the testes and adams apple with the ball while fooling around (and a lax ball is like a full pound of rubber)......</p>

<p>5-5.5 oz... but who's counting?</p>