<p>So last week at track we were practicing throwing the discus and this guy tried to throw one back to this other girl. He missed and hit a girl who was walking away in the head. She was rushed to the hospital and has six stapels in her head. She had to miss CMCs and this was all the day before state testing. So I was wondering if anyone knows anyone this stupid or if you have seen another bad injury.</p>
<p>My injury was pretty bad but not as bad as the one you mention. I play soccer. In February last year, I played soccer with friends. I was trying to block a shot and the ball hit my ankle (really hard). Eventually, I ended up with a dislocated ankle which kept me out of play until last September.</p>
<p>The most cringe making one I've seen on TV was a weight lifter managing to lift a really heavy set of weights then his leg snapped from the pressure - shudder. It was not high school though.</p>
<p>I saw a lacrosse player get his neck broken :(</p>
<p>i have had an injury every season for soccer...once sum kid like karate kicked me in the knee and my whole knee was dislocated with a tear in my acl and mcl..the next year i dislocated the same knee again and the following year i broke my hand...i hate soccer(not rly)</p>
<p>2 pretty bad ones.
In one of our soccer games, one of our players went up for a ball in the air, while someone else was leaning back to trap it or something. The kid leaning back got hit in the throat or head, and collapsed for a bit, before he was rushed to the hospital with blood coming out of his mouth.
The second one actually happend in track. A kid lost his balance after crossing the finish line and fell, breaking both the bones in his right arm.</p>
<p>my freshman year, this girl broke both her tibia and fibula playing soccer... the bones stuck out through her leg. ew.</p>
<p>i killed my knee pretty much in martial arts. it dislocated, tore the acl, patellar ligament, and lateral ligament (forget what that ones called), shattered half of my patella, and broke some chunks of my lateral fibular condyle. ouch. 7 years later i still have major problems with it (never got it professionally surgically corrected)</p>
<p>It wasn't a sports injury, but it was awful.</p>
<p>A bunch of kids were messing around on the track after school and lifted this kid in the air. Long story short they dropped him, and he landed on his neck. He was immediately rushed to the hospital, and they have no idea if he'll ever walk again. :(</p>
<p>Well ME... err I broke my pinky...LOL during football... During a game (which sucks cause everyone failed so I was moved up to running back...it was my first game being running back) the next weekend I broke my foot (wahhh!!!). I got accused of purposely breaking my foot to get out of being a running back...cause that totally makes a ton of sense.</p>
<p>The worst I've seen is in the 3rd grade, this kid broke is arm and the bone was sticking up...
The worst thats happened at school was when one of our kids ran over one of the other kids during football and like did something to his neck... The ambulance came.. What happened I'm not sure...</p>
<p>In soccer I've broken an ankle, a wrist and dislocated a knee. Funny that so many of everyone's injuries have been through soccer.</p>
<p>Worst one I've ever seen, personally, was at our athletics carnival a few years ago. Girl in my age group threw her javelin too quickly and hit one of the maths teachers in the back of the calf. Poor guy's got the worst limp now.</p>
<p>I never got hurt playing soccer, other than bruises and scrapes. Destroyed my ankle playing lacrosse... knew it was bad when I looked down at my fully extended leg and could see the bottom of my shoe. The only thing holding the foot on was the skin and the calcaneal tendon. A plate and screws and some diligent physical therapy later, I'm playing rugby.</p>
<p>The worst injury in my opinion is testicular torsion. That's where an impact to the scrotum causes the testicle to twist around its artery. If medical attention isn't given promptly, the testicle dies from lack of blood flow within a short time. </p>
<p>^ that happened to my friend's dad. he had to have it removed.</p>
<p>i saw my boyfriend's spleen rupture during a lacrosse game. he got hit so hard it burst. scariest day of my life.</p>
<p>During wrestling season, I was watching my friends match and the guy behind him pushed him towards the mat. My friend put his arm out to brace himself which caused his elbow to dislocate and go the wrong way. He had to goto the hospital was out for the rest of the season (about 2 months). </p>
<p>Earlier in the day, I saw I guy get thrown and land directly on his head. He stood up and then immediately fell to the mat. The doctors there initially thought he might have a broken neck and rushed him to the hospital. He was moving the whole time, so I figured he was alright. He actually wrestled later in the tournament.</p>
<p>I seen several of my friends' fingers get bent backwards and others' broken noses, but my friend's elbow was probably the worst.</p>
<p>YouTube</a> - Sports Injuries</p>
<p>Worst sports injuries ever, Don't watch it if you can't take it...</p>
<p>^oh my...</p>
<p>I never had anything serious, but always sprain my ankle(s) playing basketball. During the season I probably sprain it once a month. Now it is so common that I sometimes sprain them in the randomest moments, such as falling while walking.</p>
<p>I've seen a head get slighted cracked b/c someone threw a rock at him. Pretty stupid and pitiful.</p>
<p>my uncle had to hold his friends ear on while they stiched it back up at a rugby game.
at a school near mine a kid but his hand down a drain with the blades in it to unclog it and it was on so it chopped of 4 of his fingers.
me, my worst was having a door slammed on my head.</p>
<p>In which sport do you get a door slammed on your head?</p>
<p>Last year I was on a mission trip and a girl got a rock hit into her eye. She had to drive six hours to find an eye specialist (we were in rural Virginia.) Then she had to wear special goggles for six weeks after that.</p>
<p>I was also playing in a lacrosse game and a spectator had a stroke and died. That same game, I was playing and a defender impaled herself on her lacrosse stick. She broke her rib. It was awful.</p>