<p>I dislocated my knee and tore my PCL/MCL in volleyball yesterday :[ So now I have to go around on crutches...They almost hurt more than my knee. haha</p>
<p>Post your injuries here :]</p>
<p>I dislocated my knee and tore my PCL/MCL in volleyball yesterday :[ So now I have to go around on crutches...They almost hurt more than my knee. haha</p>
<p>Post your injuries here :]</p>
<p>I just banged my knee on the table in your honor.
It didn’t really hurt.</p>
<p>It still counts as an injury though.</p>
<p>tendinitis in xc. i also sprained my ankle during volleyball practice… so i was out for a month and i needed crutches what sucked was that 4 of my 7 classes were on the stairs every toher period; so i had to go up then down then back up… it was ok though, our team sucked.</p>
<p>Well once I strangled myself and went in to a coma for a week. This was when I was around 6.</p>
<p>I know way more than I should about knee injuries. Basically my knees are naturally not aligned where they should be, and this in combination with weak quads and hip flexors leads to a lot of problems. Anyway as a warning to the squeemish (sp) among us I should say that the major injury to my knee has grossed people out a little when I’ve told it in the past, so yea.</p>
<p>I’ve had knee subluxations of both knees, which is basically a temporary dislocation. These range from awful (swells up the size of a grapefruit and I can’t do anything athletic for three weeks) to nothing (I just ice it for ten minutes and its fine the next day). I deal with these by doing exercises and wearing knee braces. I also injured my knee last football season, and I basically messed it up beyond recognition. I got hit from the side during a play and this caused a subluxation (a bad one) and it also chipped off a piece of my knee cap with a hunk of cartilage attached to it the size of a nickel. This floated around inside my knee and once I got back to football I would basically push it back into place with my fingers whenever it got in the way of things. I did the same thing the first two weeks of basketball until one day I got hit from the side again and felt a sharp pain in my right knee. I finally went to see a doctor, and I found out I had torn cartilage and had a loose body in my knee (which I had sort of known). So I have surgery to remedy this, and when they get in there they find out that also tore my meniscus at some point between surgery and football. While they were in there they also performed a lateral release which moved my kneecap into the correct position by severing tendon from my quad. So basically my knee is royally jacked up. I wore a full leg brace for six weeks, was on crutches for three weeks after that, and did physical therapy for a few weeks after I was off crutches (as well as when I was on them). But now it is better than it was before, and a positive of being on crutches and basically having nothing to do in the winter months was that I had plenty of time to work on TASP essays =). So that is my incredibly long injury story, feel free to not read it.</p>
<p>^^^^^Aww, sorry:/ I’ve broken my arm before, but I was younger then so I don’t remember it too much.^Sorry:(</p>
<p>I haven’t really been severely injured. Last weekend I twisted my ankle, but that’s about it.</p>
<p>I broke my leg once. Have sprained stuff a bunch of times and something weird happened with my elbow the other day.</p>
<p>I pulled my Achilles tendon once. I limped for months.</p>
<p>I have a huge list of injuries (more when I was younger).
It’s to big to list. No joke.</p>
<p>I’ve gotten so many stitches that I’ve lost count.</p>
<p>I’ve probably bumped into 20 things so far at school. I’ve been to school for three days. I have no idea why I’m so clumsy all of the sudden.</p>
<p>Update :[</p>
<p>I got my MRI scan back and apparently I tore my entire ACL really badly. So I’ll probably need to get surgery :[ </p>
<p>wombatsoup, I couldn’t even read your whole post because I was wincing too hard. Maybe I’ll go back and read it before my surgery to put everything into perspective. haha</p>
<p>^Hopefully the surgery goes well!:)</p>
<p>I had Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS / Runners Knee) towards the end of sophomore year going into junior year. It wasn’t too bad, but it stopped me from running and I still have to do daily stretching to keep it from happening again.</p>
<p>More exciting injuries:
<p>Last year in football I tore some cartilage in my back and had a severe concussion within 3 weeks of each other. The cartilage hurt, but I just put a spyder pad on and pushed through it. The concussion ended my season though. Had to leave the game at halftime to go to the hospital and get some testing done. When I got hit, everything turned blue and the lights started flashing. Couldn’t remember anything and didn’t know where I was. Before the accident I had 20/20 vision in both eyes and now I have 20/20 in my left and 20/40 in my right…weird.</p>
<p>This year I pulled some tendon in my thumb, but there’s nothing you can really do for that. Also had to go to physical therapy for a ball of wadded up tendon on the top of my foot (from getting stepped on with a cleat). </p>
<p>Other than that, it’s all good so far.</p>
<p>tore my medial meniscus in my knee for the second time over the summer playing soccer. i need another surgery and i’m missing my senior year season</p>
<p>LOL compared to all these posts mine looks pathetic.</p>
<p>Busted my knee cap playing basketball.
Now have a few pins in my knee cap and arthritis. </p>
<p>Tore open the side of my arm. Literally took almost all the layers of skin off from my elbow to my shoulder because of go cart accident. I am cringing even thinking about it. </p>
<p>Tore open both of my knees when I was walking my dog and she spotted a squirrel. I was 60 lbs, she was 120. I was dragged 9 houses completely on sidewalk. Nice scars from that experience. </p>
<p>I have burn scars on every one of my fingers. They are small though. </p>
<p>I also have planters fasciitis. Those who have it know how bad it sucks. It can little leave you immobile for days.</p>
<p>You should’ve let her go lol.</p>
<p>The question is…whenyou were 60 lbs? 0_o</p>
<p>Ouch, these injuries sound painful!:(</p>