<p>Took my SAT US History sub test today and the morning was terrible. </p>
<p>I got 10 hours of sleep for the first time since 6th grade. I woke up and felt refreshed, but my dad hadn't gotten back with my steak yet. So my mom and I were waiting freaked out as I had like 15 minutes to cook the steak and eat. My mom left to get it just in case my dad got in a wreck or something. Just as she left, dad pulled in, and I had to call her. Then dad started cooking my steak wrong. So when my mom got home she had to fix it. Then I had two minutes to eat that and a sweet potato. So then we had to go the car and eat it and drink my eggnog latte. She had to speed and cut through the bartell drugs parking lot and it was all I could do to keep the steak from falling off the plate. We arrived on time though, so it all worked out.</p>
<p>with all due respect, that is not the worst test morning ever</p>
<p>one day, junior year, i had three subject tests schedueled…</p>
<p>i had to be at the test center at 7:45, so i set my alarm the previous night.</p>
<p>on saturday morning, i woke up at 7:30</p>
<p>i left without a shower, without a calculator, an without my composure…i only had time to grab a measly apple for breakfast.</p>
<p>i did not do too well that day…but i was able to find a caclulator for math II…but i ended up retaking that test because i wanted to take math with a level head.</p>
<p>– That was good for a laugh. You ate steak for breakfast??? And sweet potato??? –</p>
<p>Steak helps with the protein which helps to get the brain thinking. Sweet potato is pretty much required to be eaten with steak as the carbs help. If you dont have carbs with protein it creates an imbalance or something.</p>
<p>5 minutes away from test center and i get rear ended by some bad asian woman driver. so then the whole back end of my car is torn up, i wait for the police to get there, that takes 20 minutes. my birthday was yesterday so my license is 1 day expired. i get a ****ing citation for that. then i go to the chem subject test, get royall raped and spend the next 2 hours trying to find a body shop that the lady’s insurance covered and then finally get home.</p>
<p>its funny that the father had to buy the steak THAT morning, not the night before… hahaha… and the girl/boy is just salivating over that steak hahaha… who eats steak for breakfast… i got the picture of a hungry dog!</p>
<p>my mom didn’t pull the car in last night so there was frost EVERYWHERE, and even having the car sit in the driveway for 20 minutes didn’t help, so i drove on a major highway with my body shifted over trying to peer through the little hole between the ice on the windshield. surprisingly, i didn’t even come close to hitting anything</p>
<p>and i can only eat pop tarts for breakfast before a subject test, for some reason it makes me feel better than a meal at home</p>
<p>Your complaining about not having enough time to eat a steak; I didn’t have any breakfast whatsoever and I took two subject tests. In November I was so late for the math 2 test I had literally sprint into school (w.out my admission ticket) and find/sprint into the room i was taking the test before they started (barely made it). and i dominated it.</p>
<p>That’s a funny story, but also probably the strangest breakfast I’ve ever heard of. Eggnog latte and steak and potatoes? If it works, go for it!</p>
<p>I had a fine test morning but the night before sucked. My parents decided to have about 15 friends and a lot of rum over the house. One of them decided she wanted everyone to watch a DVD of them playing high school basketball when they were kids. This meant that while I was taking practice tests in my room I had to be called down every 5 minutes press a button on the remote, since I’m the only one young enough to know about technology. It also meant that when I was upstairs, I could hear them literally shouting and laughing (they were all BOMBED by this point) all the way from the family room. The whole house shook.</p>
<p>Other than that my test experience was pleasing.</p>
<p>haha i hear you there, my family ALWAYS depends on me for technology purposes.</p>
<p>and the past 2 tests my dad has blasted music from his stereo as i’m trying to sleep, so i’ll wake up at midnight to pink floyd or something and i have to go remind him i’m taking the test -_-</p>
<p>oh my test center was about 500km from home, so I had to sleep in hotel, and they were making party that day. It was about 12 p.m when we get there, so searching for another hotel wasn’t possible… I had techno all night and couldn’t sleep. I was soooo angry at the morning, but I still did pretty well. If I hadn’t, I would have burned that hotel. (somebody teach me conditionals, please )</p>
<p>ummm how abt. not eating cow for breakfast( poor ol’ cow choped steak)? that would’ve helped you be calmer and pleased the animal activists not that i necessarily am one, lol</p>