Worth Mentioning Narrowly Missing an Award?

Do you think it is worth putting on my application that I missed a fairly prestigious award for a national competition by merely 1 point? The results are published online so it can be checked; however, I don’t know if it looks bad that I put that as an award under the awards section in my application, since it is not actually an award. If I don’t put this down, the next best thing I could put instead is qualifying for this competition, which is a lot less impressive but still probably worth mentioning.

I really wouldn’t frame it in terms of what you “almost” achieved.

You could put how many points you got and put it in context by like your percentile etc

You can put in what round you qualified for.

Thanks for the advice guys! I think I might put down what place I got - I’ll just have to find the number of people that scored higher than me from the score sheet.

intparent, there are only two rounds (only select people are invited to participate in the first round) and I missed the cutoff for the second round. Thanks though!

You could always write more about it in the essay topic pertaining to a failure.

Personally, I would avoid listing an award you narrowly missed. I would be afraid it would make you appear desperate.