Worth the cost of out of state tutiton?

<p>I'm a Northern California resident who hasn't had much luck with the UC and CSU system. I got waitlisted at Davis, but so far that's been the only semi-good news from in-state universities. So, it looks like I'm going to have to either pay OOS tuition or go to community college. Assuming that I don't choose community college, I've narrowed my choices to two so far: the UDUB and UW- Madison. I want to get a degree in bioengineering/biomedical engineering, and I'm wondering if anyone has any advice. Finances are a factor, and I've figured out that I'd probably get residency at the UDUB after a year (by taking fewer credits and getting a job to raise money for school). This would actually make the UDUB cheaper than UW-Madison and the UC's even. I still haven't figured out a feasable way for me to gain Wisconsin residency so that would be more expensive for sure. </p>

<p>But, is the extra cost worth it in the long run? Is UW- Madison's college experience and engineering program worth the out of state debt? I really like this school, so can anyone justify the extra cost? Is there anyone who came from California, or OOS in general, who would like to share their experience? </p>

<p>Thanks to anyone who took the time to read through this post :)</p>

<p>I can tell you as a parent how I would look at it.</p>

<p>I would look at what schools you are admitted to, their engineering programs, and how they stack up, and whether you plan on doing grad school. Wisc has a fine engineering program. If you plan on getting a job immediately after grad school, Wisc OOS tuition is definitely worth it. If you plan on doing grad school, maybe a closer call.</p>

<p>It’s tough to say, but if you go to UW and choose in an engineering major of some kind chances are you will get a terrific job. UW also truly has one of the best college experiences money can buy – then again I’m sure the University of Washington is great too in that regard, especially since I’ve heard good things about it.</p>

<p>As an aside, Californians tend to mesh very well with UW. I dated a girl from California for several years who goes to UW and loves Madison and the school.</p>

<p>My two best friends here are from California. They love it here, as do most people who go here - I don’t know if it’s this way at other schools or not, but everyone you meet really just does seem ecstatic to be here and go to Madison, you rarely hear anyone trashtalking or complaining about the school…yes there are things that aren’t ideal here but everyone just loves being a Badger so damn much! I’m sure my friends consider the extra expense worthwhile. UW is a great school and provides a wonderful college experience on all levels. The only reason I would think anyone shouldn’t come here is if there’s something equally good and cheaper also available to them. Very few people dislike being here, from what I can tell.</p>