Hi, I’ve been wondering if the minuses and pluses make any difference on your transcript. Would an A- look worse because that means that I barely made the A? An A- is still considered a 4, so it doesn’t affect my GPA.
I got an A- in both English and Biology this year (I’m going to be a sophomore next year) and I just want to know if that would affect anything than if I got an A. My friend said that at her school they don’t put minuses and pluses on the transcripts, so maybe colleges don’t really care?
(This is off topic but I’m wondering if I should email my biology teacher because she gave me a 76% on of the projects that made a big difference in my grade. After I took the final I had a 95%, but then she inputted that project after the course was closed! Then that brought me down to a 92.8%, so I need only .2% more to get a regular A. Should I bother to email her about it and ask why I did so bad on the project? I did turn it in a day late but only because I forgot to add one thing on it, but I think I deserve a little more than a 76.)
Please let me know about this, and let me know if I should email my teacher!
Thank you!