Would anyone like to . . .

<p>. . . chance a transfer?</p>

<p>I am currently in my 2nd semester of college. Here are my stats and such:</p>

<p>Gender: female
Major: Mechanical Engineering</p>

<p>I'm from MA and went to a pretty competitive private school in MA</p>

<p>College GPA: 4.0
High School GPA: 91.08/100 (top 10% in a class of about 85 students, they didn't rank, and they didn't weight grades)</p>

M 770
CR 690
W 790</p>

Math II 770
Chem 690
Spanish w/ listening 780
Physics 660 (taken after freshman year)
Bio (ecology) 630</p>

Bio 5
Calc BC 4
Phys B 4
Eng Lit 4
Span Lit 4
Span Lang 4</p>

1 really great one from my employer at a summer internship at an architecture firm
1 decent one from a college professor - I say decent because he only knew me for a few months before writing it. I did do very well in his class, though.</p>

<p>Academic honors:
Dean's list </p>

<p>(high school)
Spanish Award (12)
Wellesley College Book Award (11)
Maintained an honors average (88-92%) overall
Cum Laude Society Member (11)</p>

Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineering
Have been playing the piano since 2nd grade</p>

<p>(high school)
Community service board member (10,11,12)
In fall trimester participated in afternoon community service (visiting nursing homes and such) (9,10,11,12)
JV basketball (9,10,11) - Co-Captain (11)
JV Softball (9,10) - Co-Captain (10)
Varsity Softball (11)</p>

Summer intern at an architecture firm in Boston (2007)-- 45 hrs/week for 6 weeks
Summer Hospital Messenger service volunteer (2004-2006) -- 4 hours/week for 8 weeks</p>

<p>I think my essays are pretty good, but I feel limited in the fact the my main essay must be about my reasons for transferring and I can only really talk about myself for about 400 words. </p>

<p>This ended up being a longer post than I expected, but I really appreciate any responses!!</p>

<p>Dean’s List…Why transfer?</p>

<p>I’m unhappy with the unorganization of the engineering school here . . . and honestly, I’d rather be at a school where the majority of people cared more about learning and less about partying</p>