Would being from Florida help me?

<p>I'm wondering if Stanford utilizes geographical affirmative action? Like would being from an underrepresented area like Florida aid me? Or harm, since I've heard Stanford takes half its class from Cali?</p>

<p>Also, how is Stanford with financial aid to middle class families?</p>

<p>It would really surprise me to find out that Florida of all places is considered an underrepresented area. I usually associate underrepresented geographical areas with states like South Dakota, Alaska, or Montana.</p>

<p>I got in, and i'm from florida. It makes sense that they'd want some geographic diversity, but i dont think they'll go out of their way to make sure it happens, so it probably hurts if you're not the most amazing kid from your area, but if you're up there it probably helps... also, im 'middle class', and stanford aid wasnt that great when they first sent me the package, then they had that new program they added this year (<a href="http://news-service.stanford.edu/news/2007/february21/aid-022107.html)%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://news-service.stanford.edu/news/2007/february21/aid-022107.html)&lt;/a>, and my aid is amazing... we're talking about as cheap as UF with just grants. </p>

<p>go stanford.</p>

<p>half of stanford's matriculants are from cali, not half the admitted class</p>

<p>depends on where in Florida you are from. The panhandle counts as geographic diversity. The rest of the state is actually over represented. I was shocked to learn, actually. I live in Palm Beach Gardens (luckily my dad lives in Arizona so I used that address.)</p>

<p>Does South Carolina count as geographic diversity?</p>

<p>Would being from Nevada help?</p>

<p>Again it depends. The more urban you are, the less likely it is to help. Don't worry about it. Just do your best.</p>

<p>ooh! i'm from the panhandle!</p>

<p>PCB in the flesh!</p>

<p>good to know it's worth something more than club la vela and mtv spring break, but it's still HELL at walmart this time of year.</p>

<p>Would being from NYC help?</p>

<p>^ Hardly ..</p>

<p>Florida as an overall state is definitely not underrepresented. Also, this whole geographic "affirmative action" is a very, very, very minor factor. Of course your environment and community have both affected your education but don't count on living in a small, rural area to get you into Stanford or other top schools.</p>