<p>Hey, I'm wondering if Cornell would a possibility, and whether you guys think that I might be happy there based on my criterion.</p>
<p>Size: Small to medium. Not much larger than 15,000 students unless it fits well w/ every other category</p>
<p>Location: medium to large city. I would prefer a city that's at least 50,000+ people</p>
<p>Surroundings: Beautiful, with lots of green and trees. Weaher isn't an issue, except I don't really want it really hot (i.e. not Texas/Cally) . Don't mind winters. Want to be able to drive someplace and go camping,fishing, etc.</p>
<p>People: I realize this one is hard to judge. I'm lower middle class, so I won't be driving around a BMW and wearing Abercrombi & Fitch (is that how you spell that brand?) Prefer a socioeconomic mix w/o TONS of preppies.</p>
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I'm a white male from WA state (eastern part, not Seattle), and will be a senior.</p>
<p>SAT I NEW: 2200 (740 M, 730 CR, 730 W)
SAT II: (760 Chem, 800 IIC)</p>
<p>My school doesn't offer AP's, but I'll graduate w/ lots of credit hours from my local community college. But, if this is going to cause problems (i.e. transfer student status) let me know, or maybe I'll just ask admissions.</p>
<p>GPA UW @ High School: 4.00
GPA UW @ College: 3.95-3.97 (still one year left)</p>
<p>4+ yrs. HS math w/calculus as sophmore, 3 quarters college calculus 4.0 GPA
2+ yrs. HS science
3 quarters "Advanced Inorganic Chemistry" @ college w/ 3.77 GPA (94% avg.)
1 (maybe more) quarter of 200 level Physics @ college (haven't taken yet)
4+ yrs. Social Sciences/History
3 quarters Japanese @ college 4.00 GPA</p>
<p>4 yrs. varsity Math Team, 3 yrs varsity captain w/ state level finishes
4 yrs. varsity Knowledge Bowl, 3 yrs. varsity captain
2 yrs. National Honor Society Member (that's the max @ my school)
Eagle Scout
9 years private guitar instruction (I ROCK!!!)
participant of UDOC (a competitive pre-med interested program)
80+ hrs. volunteering @ local hospital
200+ hrs. volunteering in ER</p>
<p>I'm special because:</p>
<p>I can solve a Rubik's cube in about 1 min 15 sec.</p>
<p>That's all I can think of off the top of my head...feel free to ask/suggest anything, and thanks again!</p>