Would Cornell be a good match 4 me?

<p>Hey, I'm wondering if Cornell would a possibility, and whether you guys think that I might be happy there based on my criterion.</p>

<p>Size: Small to medium. Not much larger than 15,000 students unless it fits well w/ every other category</p>

<p>Location: medium to large city. I would prefer a city that's at least 50,000+ people</p>

<p>Surroundings: Beautiful, with lots of green and trees. Weaher isn't an issue, except I don't really want it really hot (i.e. not Texas/Cally) . Don't mind winters. Want to be able to drive someplace and go camping,fishing, etc.</p>

<p>People: I realize this one is hard to judge. I'm lower middle class, so I won't be driving around a BMW and wearing Abercrombi & Fitch (is that how you spell that brand?) Prefer a socioeconomic mix w/o TONS of preppies.</p>

================================================== ======
I'm a white male from WA state (eastern part, not Seattle), and will be a senior.</p>

<p>SAT I NEW: 2200 (740 M, 730 CR, 730 W)
SAT II: (760 Chem, 800 IIC)</p>

<p>My school doesn't offer AP's, but I'll graduate w/ lots of credit hours from my local community college. But, if this is going to cause problems (i.e. transfer student status) let me know, or maybe I'll just ask admissions.</p>

<p>GPA UW @ High School: 4.00
GPA UW @ College: 3.95-3.97 (still one year left)</p>


<p>4+ yrs. HS math w/calculus as sophmore, 3 quarters college calculus 4.0 GPA
2+ yrs. HS science
3 quarters "Advanced Inorganic Chemistry" @ college w/ 3.77 GPA (94% avg.)
1 (maybe more) quarter of 200 level Physics @ college (haven't taken yet)
4+ yrs. Social Sciences/History
3 quarters Japanese @ college 4.00 GPA</p>


<p>4 yrs. varsity Math Team, 3 yrs varsity captain w/ state level finishes
4 yrs. varsity Knowledge Bowl, 3 yrs. varsity captain
2 yrs. National Honor Society Member (that's the max @ my school)
Eagle Scout
9 years private guitar instruction (I ROCK!!!)
participant of UDOC (a competitive pre-med interested program)
80+ hrs. volunteering @ local hospital
200+ hrs. volunteering in ER</p>

<p>I'm special because:</p>

<p>I can solve a Rubik's cube in about 1 min 15 sec.</p>

<p>That's all I can think of off the top of my head...feel free to ask/suggest anything, and thanks again!</p>

<p>i think Cornell fits, I mean you will find some BMW kids and A and F kids like myself lol, i mean what can i say, i like the prep style and look, it's not bad, don't attack me ppl, plz!! Ppl are as nice as they get, not arrogrant, very nice, down to earth.</p>

<p>"I'm special because:</p>

<p>I can solve a Rubik's cube in about 1 min 15 sec."</p>

<p>LOL....wow, thats hilarious. Its not intended to offend in any way. Im reacting to the overall act of saying that. Very genuine sincerity. You dont see many people like yourself here on CC. I can highly sympathize with you in terms of economic status, and the fact that you dont fit in well nor like A&F preppy people. Its fine. I myself am an Armani X guy. :)</p>

<p>collegekid1988: Trust me, some of my best friends drive a Lexus or Audi to school, so I won't kill ya :D Besides, Cornell is such a big school that there HAS to be some preps. I don't mind the style, but I don't want that to be the sole focus at the school (i.e. good ol' boys only kind of club)</p>

<p>Bklyn2Cornell: Thanks for the comment! I never thought hiding info did anyone any good, and hopefully an ad com sees that tidbit and reacts the same way! It makes me unique, and I'd rather do that than stress over taking the SAT for the 5th time LOL!</p>

<p>But i wouldnt recommend you do that though. Maybe you misunderstood me. Be sincere, but dont be stupid, or show immaturity. BTW, just so you know, im a rising senior applying ED to Cornell, so ill be writing my essays soon. I have researched A LOT and read many books on all of this, and spoke to many many ppl and i have formulated a whole plan for myself for all of this, and i would suggest to be sincere to show them who you really are, however, dont go as far as to lose your sense of maturity or relevance. If you can actually show how that rubics cube somehow reveals "who you are", then use it, but do not say "im special". NEVER EVER EVER! lol, if you wanna talk more, just pm me and we'll chat more about all these things and more as two prospective cornell class of 2010'ers...btw....i really really really want cornell, and its all i want, and i will do w.e it takes to get that big fat envelope in december. So ye, lol, just so you know how passionate i am about it. :)</p>

<p>Which school do you plan on applying ED? It sounds like a good fit for you. I hope you have a car though because it'll be tough to get to the lake without one if you intend to fish. There are a lot of preppies but the school is big enough so that it doesn't matter if you are not. All walks of life are in abundant numbers at Cornell. Looks like you have a REALLY great shot. Good luck.</p>

<p>--"but do not say 'im special'. NEVER EVER EVER!"</p>

<p>Duh! LOL. I think you might have misunderstood me, 'cause I was just kidding about that one. I can't really think of a way to bring that one up anyway, and it's not like it's a big part of my life, hehe. However I'm glad that you're so passionate about Cornell! So Bklyn2Cornell, you think I look like a good fit?</p>

<p>Well, i cant determine that because you haven't specified what major and what college. I assume pre-med though with the activities you participated in. No?</p>

<p>shizz: I'm not sure I'll go ED, because I'm not all the way convinced to any one college. However, I'll prolly go to the College of Arts and Sciences.</p>

<p>Bklyn2Cornell: Yeah, I'm gonna go pre-med like TONS of others :), though I might possibly do pre-dental, which is pretty much the same thing. My major would most likely be a physical science, either chemistry, physics, or astronomy. Who knows, I might even do mathematics. Plus, if it's possible, I'd love to be able to double major/minor in east asian studies. Hope that helps!</p>

<p>Ye, i was always a pre-med person, then i woke up one morning and thought..."wait....i hate math and chemistry, how am i gonna go pre-med?" lol, so now, im leaving pre-med and going for psychology, pre-law, and maybe even go to law school! dunno, but i know already what i wanna major in, and what school i will apply to.</p>

<p>hehe, yeah. It's great that my interests happen to be in the pre reqs for premed/predent, so even if I decide it's not for me, I'll still be good. So you think I'd have a good chance at RD?</p>

<p>well, again, it really does matter what major...cus pre-med is non-existent. You need to choose a major, and a college. Without that, nobody can really determine your chances. When those other people said you have good chances, thats cus you have great grades, SAT's, SAT IIs, etc. But simply that will definitely not get you into a school like Cornell. You are just like a multitude of other high achieving students who apply to Cornell. But how are you different and unique from all of them? Thats the key that will get you in. So again, without a college and major, those ppl dont have the proper knowledge, nor do i, to tell you whether you have a "good chance" or not. You certainly are "qualified." Ill tell you that much. But that can mean anything. Qualified ppl get in and qualified people dont. So again, as a person in your shoes, i suggest you do much more research, definitely, PLEASE, do more research. Its so important in finding the right school for you. I didnt just choose Cornell out of the blue you know. Do a lot of research. See what colleges fit you personally, and what major you would like to go into. Then from there, the engine starts. But so far, you're lost in the admissions pool.</p>

<p>Ok, so you want me to be a little more serious? K, I can do that. </p>

<p>I'm looking at schools that are well known because of their reputation in the physical sciences and also for their intellectual environment and difficulty. The ones that top my list at the moment include Cornell, the University of Chicago, Rice, and Reed. </p>

<p>As it looks now, I will likely major in Chemistry. However, it is possible that I will major in Astronomy instead; I'm not going to have a absolute because I'm only 17. I hear that Cornell is excellent in the field of chemistry, and the nation's best in astronomy (Mars Rover ring any bells?)</p>

<p>Furthmore, I'm looking in at Cornell because of its natural beauty, its enormous and impressive library, and the fact that I am MUCH more likely to get into it than a HYPS type school (not that I'd want to go to a HYPS). Also, because Cornell isn't HYPS, I would assume (and I could certainly be wrong) that there is a lower percentage of arrongant "beau monde" type people attending, though there is this crowd with any well-known university.</p>

<p>As for the lack of pre-med support, I don't want a school where I will be coddled, so that's not really an issue.</p>

<p>This work better for you Bklyn2Cornell? ;o</p>

<p>Cornell is fantastic in the physical sciences. The professors in the chemistry department are really great teachers - some of the best I've had in the entire school.</p>

<p>You're wrong with the assumption that people at HYPS are arrogant. Well, I'm sure some of them are but you'll find the same percentage of arrogant pricks at any school.</p>

<p>You're prolly right. It's just been my experience that the people I know who are going to HYPS have an pretty big elitist complex, but there are lots of people who don't, I'm sure. What'cha think of my chances getting in RD?</p>

<p>Well, Lotus, that was better. However, what about in Cornell, the actual school in Cornell? You said probably Arts and Sciences. I think thats your best bet, but still, read up on things. I started a detailed search of colleges in February and I was like you...back then. Now, as i grew through the process, i learned more about not only the process but about myself and what i want as well. Thats how i ended up with narrowing down my 35 college list to just 7.</p>

<p>Also, you said that Cornell, Chicago, Rice and Reed top your list. You dont seem sure at all, in my opinion, but dont feel offended. BTW, when did you start rigorously researching your college choices? I get the notion that its like last week, lol. :) Anyway, yes, that was a serious thought that you gave and at 17, like myself, you dont need to know dead on what you want, but you seem to already have some focus with chemistry or astronomy. </p>

<p>One of the many factors why i chose Cornell as my number 1 and my ED candidate over a multitude of others is the beauty, like you said, and the library. The strength of the sciences and social sciences also highly attracted me. The wide range of people, ranging from prep, to geek, to arrogant elitists, etc also really was attractive. At first, i was thinking prestige prestige prestige, and the best school. Now, i am more pragmatic, and i realize that one needs to choose the best school FOR THEM not just the best school. 8)</p>

<p>You sound like a suitable match, in preference and area of study. Eagle Scout is a good hook.</p>

<p>Thanks Neutral.</p>

<p>Bklyn2Cornell: I actually started the process of my college search probably about 6 months ago. If I seem unsure, it's only because I don't want to voice certainity on any one forum about just one school.</p>

<p>Here are my top picks at the moment, and my reasons for considering them.</p>

<p>*Brown: Relatively large surrounding city
BA/MD program
Lack of required curriculum (means I can easily double major)</p>

<p>*U Chicago: Rigor of coursework
known for intellectual environment
top departments in physical sciences
strength in Med school placement
Nice surrounding city; large pop</p>

<p>*Cornell: Natural Beauty
Reputation for rigor of curriculum
Excellent library
Top departments in physical sciences (chemistry, astronomy)
strength in Med school placement</p>

<p>*Dartmouth: Natural Beauty
Top departments in physical sciences
strength in Med school placement
rabid alumni/student school spirit</p>

<p>*Emory: Top departments in physical sciences (chemistry, astronomy)
strength in Med school placement
Nice surrounding city; large pop
access to CDC/ health-related agencies</p>

<p>*Rice: BA/MD program
relatively small undergrad pop (about 3,000)
Well known for strength of physical sciences
Nice surrounding city; large pop
strength in Med school placement</p>

<p>*U of Washington: Safety school
instate = low tuition (also likely full or partial ride)
Nice surrounding city; large pop</p>

<p>Any better? Those are the schools that I am planning to apply to. I might have listed others, but those are just floating around in my mind, and not definite possibilties. Also, I realize that most of these schools are VERY differnet, but that's why this forum exists. :O</p>

<p>Right, but look at what you are saying. You have a wide range of schools. Brown and Cornell are like apples and oranges. You even contradict yourself by saying you like Rice for its smallness but Cornell is HUGE. So im not quite understanding......my list was also very spread out and wasnt consistent at first, then i started to focus on similar schools and thats how i got to this list:
This is like my list of schools that I will 75% chance apply to:
-Boston University
-University of Rochester
-Johns Hopkins

<p>Ok, I see your point about the size issue. The reason that Cornell is on my list despite its size is due partly to the college system, which helps weed things out a bit. I would prefer to go to a medium (i.e. 3000-8000 undergrads) sized school, but Cornell fits most of the other categories well. As for the Brown v. Cornell comparison, the benefit of the BA/MD program outweighs a great many things, but I will not attend Brown if I am not accepted to the BA/MD program.</p>