<p>Hi guys, i'm an international student that got in UVa. Would an international student, specifically asian, fit in at UVa? I've heard people say that this school is full of white (rich, political?) kids and I'm really frustrated on where I should go... I don't really mind the strength of academics at the schools. I'm currently deciding between Umich and UVa. Where do you guys think I'd be more happy at? Just trying to garner some information here. Thanks.</p>
<p>You would definitely fit in. One of my closest friends here is from Hong Kong and another of my friends is from Taiwan, and they both love it here. Maybe it used to be full of just white kids but I’m pretty sure that’s changing I used to live in Korea and Hawaii–which has a mostly asian/pacific islander population (my dad’s military) so I’m used to more diversity than most american schools have, but UVA is great about bringing in a diverse class–apparently 2013 was the most diverse class yet, and I’m sure 2014 probably exceeds it
But UVA is such a big school that you are sure to find some group of people that you fit in with --whether that’s international students or a club athletics team or some academic group or random people you have classes with. It’s one of the things I love about UVA…there’s something for everyone!</p>
<p>UVA’s international applications have risen dramatically over the past few years, gaining notable attention in China. Where are you from? Maybe I can put you in touch with someone from your home country if you’d like.</p>
<p>You should apply for the International Residential College if you decide to enroll. At the very least, check out the IRC site and the videos posted there. Also, I’m sure that the IRC probably has someone from your country, and if not, at least has many asian international students. Try contacting people there and asking them about their experience at UVA in general, and with diversity there specifically.</p>
<p>Found this: [Welcome</a> to Facebook](<a href=“Facebook - log in or sign up”>Facebook - log in or sign up)</p>
<p>Check out the videos under Info!</p>
<p>There are lots of Asian students here, and many too who grew up in the US but are from recent immigrant families and maintain ties to China, Japan, Korea, India, etc. There’s a huge Asian community in the DC suburbs of northern Virginia, well represented at UVA.</p>
<p>Thanks guys. Now I have more information to consider. But where is this IRC?</p>
<p>The IRC is one of the residential colleges you can choose to live in at UVA, and it allows a living situation tailored specifically for international students.</p>